A Word About Captchas

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Active Member
If you plan to run a site with a captcha on it go with Sweet Captcha if you do not want to use this one then do not use a captcha at all. Recapthcas is broken it makes you do it 3 to 5 times before it will take it just lame. Sweet takes 3 to 5 seconds to complete that is why it is the best. Only make visitors to your site have to complete Sweet 2 to 3 times a day not every time someone wants to download something that is way to much.

Sweet Captcha - Free Human Friendly Captcha

If you run infinite scrolling this is so dumb dump it it makes sites load very slow and crashes your browser. Just have 20 to 30 items on a page that way is better than infinite scrolling it sucks.
What is the difference between sweet Captcha and normal one?

Sweet takes 3 to 5 seconds to complete and Recaptcha you have to complete it like 3 to 5 times before it will take and it takes 20 seconds to do it. It is really annoying if you have to do recaptcha every time you want to download a file from a site.
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