Search results

  1. S - VPS services starting from $15/month (Netherlands)

    @ coldabhishek Can you please check my Ticket #820019, my server has been down for over a week
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    Selling Facebook Lead Generation Service - Pre-Qualified Facebook Leads

    sure, just send me a Pm with a keyword, town/city & Location
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    Selling Facebook Lead Generation Service - Pre-Qualified Facebook Leads

    Thanks gtaclub, if you PM me a keyword and a city/town & country, and I'll get things started.
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    Selling Facebook Lead Generation Service - Pre-Qualified Facebook Leads

    Are you a person who specialises in selling services to facebook clients? Perhaps you are somone who specialises in selling enhanced fanpages to local businesses. Are tired of tediously looking through business directory looking for new clients? Introducing... Facebook Lead Generation...
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    Google may give pirate sites lower ranking
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    Ad posts available on forum *5000 UV per day*

    Not much, I only use it every now and then.
  7. S

    Ad posts available on forum *5000 UV per day*

    I am selling Text and Banner adspots on *************/forum I have approx. 50,000 per day & over 50% Organic Traffic. Alexia Rank: Google Analytics: Prices: Header Banner 728 x 90 - 30$/month Header Banner 468 x 60 - 20$/month Footer Banner 728 x 90 - 15$/month Footer Banner 468 x 60 -...
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    Serverdome Downtime - What Happened

    I think this is how they got hacked...
  9. S

    Serverdome Downtime - What Happened

    If the software which hacked was for billing, then why are have the hosting servers been compromised?
  10. S - VPS services starting from $15/month (Netherlands)

    I've have a VPS with them..and all my websites and admin panels are still up, I did two backups a while ago jut incase.
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    How do the big porn forums make their money?

    that's cool, any more suggestions?
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    How do the big porn forums make their money?

    Does anyone know how the big porn forums that have 3000+ jits per day generate an income, I understand some take donation from users, others use CPM advertisements, but are there any other successful methods they use?
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    Noob question about RDP

    I've used Rapidleech in the past but can someone tell me how do you use RDP to upload to hosts? I have no idea how to do this. Thanks in advance.
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    Anyone know the name of this social networking script?

    I don't think they are because socialgo don't allow adult content.
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    Anyone know the name of this social networking script?

    I need to a set up a social network site and I really want to use a certain script, I don't know the name of it. Check out does anyone know what software was used to build it?