Recent content by iEncode

  1. I - Highest Paying network around $65/1000 downloads (Official)

    See ya UserShare, keep my money, your host was a true waste of time. Hurry up and fold or pay these people out, simple.
  2. I

    Very nice site, appreciate you opening with a rather complete site to offer :P Premium please : ID : 8145 And thank you!
  3. I - Highest Paying network around $65/1000 downloads (Official)

    "This file is either removed due to Copyright Claim, has Expired or is deleted by the uploader. " Lol....nice Upload Software link on /n4-upload-software.html Fix your site, sooooo buggy.
  4. I – $17PPS, $35/1000 Downloads – Make Your Life Easier - Go with FS!

    The "Corruption" issue is seriously getting out of hand....users are feeling a heavy hit from this poorly explained problem. Servers moving files? Shouldnt be hard, especially when theres the "several layers of data redundancy" at FSC. What is the deal? Is this likely to continue? Is it...
  5. I

    HOTIMG - Make money uploading images.

    cant wrap their images in [IMG] .... or am i missing something? if we cant wrap in IMG and have it show up on our forums etc we simply wont use this host... dont know what they're thinking. not everyone can use html tags ya know ;)
  6. I

    Rapidshare making a comeback!

    you dont know a thing :) Ever heard of Pay2Leech? This is where SCENE GROUP MEMEBERS rent out spots on Scene FTP Dumps to (almost) anyone willing to pay. Read a SceneNotice NFO every once in a while, you'll see money is very VERY much involved.
  7. I – $17PPS, $35/1000 Downloads – Make Your Life Easier - Go with FS!

    @Hish Please respond about "corruption" remark on Removal tab... What does this mean? we are familiar with dmca removal, why are these files being removed with "corruption"?!
  8. I - Earn money up to 45$ - 15 GB filesize

    @Duckload , is it your new policy to only provide .mp4 for video uploads to free users? If so, see you later. I cannot tolerate this in a host. It would be like you guys doing this next and expecting us to be ok with it: We upload a PDF document to find it has been reduced to 4-point fonts for...
  9. I - Earn money up to 45$ - 15 GB filesize

    you guys dont get the fact that they're like megaupload? convert every single video file uploaded to streaming format, that simple. make it available in two flavors (dl the avi, stream the mp4) potentially bringing in wayyy more traffic as streaming sites get x100 the hits that filehosts do...
  10. I – $17PPS, $35/1000 Downloads – Make Your Life Easier - Go with FS!

    yes its all a big conspiracy to cheat you out of a few cents.... /troll my suggestion : Let Advanced Web Upload / FTP speeds and processing go full speed Limit remote upload / fsc2fsc to a Megaupload-like crawl (i.e. the 400kb/s upload) In my mind would cut down huge on spam without having to...
  11. I – $17PPS, $35/1000 Downloads – Make Your Life Easier - Go with FS!

    you pay for the bandwidth you need to actually do this thing called "uploading". you create your own content and upload that. ???? Profit!
  12. I

    FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

    does anybody, every read ANY pages besides first/last? :P The download counts have been an on/off issue for some time... But recently has been down for a few weeks. It is always being worked on and will return as soon as humanly possible I'm sure(!) as stated many times, would you rather have...
  13. I

    UploadStation - $32 / 1000 Downloads! All Countries Paid! (Official Thread)

    keep on adding servers buddies, z_o_o_m uploader terrible speed of 60-400 kb/s (could be his program needs tweaking), ftp speed tolerable (800 kb/s) File processing as well is slow, but again we can only wait for new servers nothing big to worry about thx :) Update : I really REALLY like...
  14. I – $17PPS, $35/1000 Downloads – Make Your Life Easier - Go with FS!

    w00t! i love this : remote whores getting kicked to the curb just made my day! Love you Filesonic, keep rockin in the free world.
  15. I

    Why do you hate the iphone so much ?

    Because it's an Apple product. They are as jealous, greedy, close-guarded and closed-source minded as you can possibly get. In this day and age, it's sad that a company that stifles so innovation through it's overly strict regulations and policies, is one of the only ones innovating new...