- Porn Hosting - Streaming adult videos up to 1080p


Jennifer´s Husband
Premium Member
Dear Wjunction Users,

I would like to introduce our adult video tube service. is an adult video portal site, like youtube, but our focus is soley adult content, but it has some special features that other host do not have. We will explain below:

We accept any video file formats, our special video encoding algorithm gives you stunning quality while making the videos smaller and faster to download.
Our video technology makes sure that the videos are encoded very fast on a very good quality while maintaining a very small file size, letting users stream videos really fast.

We have a comfortable user Interface for your videos, Organize your videos and put them in folders. Make videos public so they appear in the bitporno search results, export mass links.

Statistics - see total views, views per country and hourly statistics in our stunning statistics panel.

Amazing user settings:
Player Settings: Use your own logo in the player, remove titles and descriptions, activate anti-adblock, and add a backlink for your logo

We have our own-made scripts and configurations, so the videos encodings will start immediately, without seeing “Buffering 0%” Our stream is excellent, including asian countries.
You can upload in multiple Threads through the Browser Upload after the video is upload a link/embed code will be generated.

Breakdown of Features:
Up to 1080p HD Quality.
Support for mobile Phones
Support for HTML5 as Primary
Useful Video Manager with Folders Management, Export functions and categorizing Videos.
Multi-Threads Upload
z-o-o-m uploader tool support
Good streaming speed.
Unlimited space / Almost no delete from inactivity, only when there is limited space, we will delete the files that haven’t been viewed in awhile, first, except for public videos in the Gallery.

Rules & Conditions is simple:
Only adult content is allowed, no normal vids are allowed.
No child pornography!
No revenge porn!
No zoophila videos!
No teen videos!
Any violations of these rules may have your account permanently deleted

If do you have suggestions or tips, we are happy to hear it and try to improve ourselves any further.

Special Deals:
If you have enough decent traffic, you can get 360p to 1080p quality modes and only 1 popup per view. Contact me.

Feel free to test us. We wish you best luck, if you choose us as your hoster.
Link to register:
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I repeat: This host is for 720p with 2 mbit - 6 mbit bitrate and 1080p with 5-10 mbit bitrate. So we spend a lot of money on bandwidth for the projects, we care about video quality. Or can you tell me, how to earn better money from ads and put 10 popups, to give you better rates? I think no anyone can do that. Webmasters complain about ads, the uploaders complain about rates, there is no "middle" with this host, so we chose to be on the side of webmasters, since the uploaders are uploading a lot of junk videos to us and doesnt send traffic to us, which makes us very hard to finance everything. Disk space and Encodings cost money too etc.
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Differenciate junk and good uploaders

So, basically because of junk uploaders - good uploaders should also suffer. All uploaders painted same. Why not find a way to differenciate uploaders who are bringing traffic to you and value them and pay them at earlier rates. Pretty much if u don't value your good uploaders u are going to loose them anyway to other hosts but junk uploaders will stay to upload the junk. Its not nice to completely sidetrack the uploaders. its sad.
Dont compare our host with another hosts. Junk uploaders is not the main reason.

We simply cannot pay 40$ rates because the bandwidth, disk space for 4 formats, encodings of all 4 formats, etc is expensive. If you want money, please use other host, if you want great video quality, use us.

If you are not understanding this, feel free to make your own 1080p host.
bye bye

Open load is the best. they definitely know how to address the concerns of their uploaders in an assuring and polite way. With these rates i am sure uploaders will shift to other hosts and then keep uploading your own videos with best quality.
And? Anything over 1GB filesize, they re-convert your video into low bitrate. Most 1080p porn files are 4 to 20 GB video size and we accept it anyway, sometimes even without re-encoding.
Shame shame for this selfish act

LETS ALL BOYCOTT BITPORNO UNTIL RATES ARE AGAIN UP. cease all uploading to this site and shift to other uploaders like openload and datoporn where they operate on mutual benefit and their admins are not trying to make money from our uploaded videos without giving uploaders their fair share and let himself upload the high quality videos on his own which he is so desperately selling te idea of.
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Sure, go ahead telling our host is "bad bad" meep meep, where its not possible to finance it with high rates, it was started with 20$ rates and we never wanted to increase it, because 1080p is extremely costly... i am alone in this project, i work since 1 year every day hard, installing servers etc and maintaining servers 24/7. You don't find other FullHD 1080p Host with these 5-10 mbit bitrates here. Maybe you will see one in year 2021.

Oh, did you know that Datoporn "shaves" views by having the rule that mininum 5% of the video must watched?

At BitPorno here, we count every views, no bullshit.

So, i tell you again, please don't compare our host with others, every host has his advantage and disadvantage.
Sure will look forward to 2021 but by that time bitporno will be nowhere to be seen.

If it would have been temporary and genuine slashing (its whooping 50%) we would have stood by you - knowing that our videos will reach wider audience. And 1080p videos can only be watched only in our western world mainly. other areas like asia and africa doesn't have that much penetration of high speed internet. So, it could have been delayed untill bitporno reaches much wider audience with well arranged site ( which is quite a mess - see pornhub for example) - differenciating gay and straight porn each with their categories and improving it further and by adding mobile support, finding way to phase out junk uploading by coordinating with good uploaders. U could have hired few good uploaders as moderators. Its all about developing and nurturing your relationship with good uploaders which would be mutually beneficial.Which would have led to increased revenues which you could have invested in high video quality servers without slashing rates.
We have quite different views on this. Best of luck with your site. But n0w with these changes - rates are near to nothing and with your recent upgrade - mp4 uploading is getting more difficult - success after many failures only -- definitely i am nt gonna take any pain of uploading videos at this rate.

This is not my bitporn for which i had genuine following. Its a never ending discussion probably as we are having our firm beliefs. I respect your view and good luck

And please edit the title of your thread from 35$ to 17.5$
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Site users want keep 1080p, we cannot remove it. It is must have. So high cost is must. Normal hosts have 80% less bandwidth in total than us.

On other hand, our storage is almost 1300 TB used and currently ~50 TB space free, its going to full soon and we need new storage servers, also 100 extra encoding servers to have everything smooth running. In comparsion to big hosts, we have about 30% in server numbers as them, but not 30% of the vistors traffic size, more like 1-3%.

Only way to do this is to reduce rates, there was many reasons that it is must. It cannot helped.

Or do you want us to delete 1080p and maybe 720p too, probably problem with cash flow and payments and make unhappy site users? Or re-encode all 507.500 videos into lower bitrates under heavy load? I really dont want to do it, i am very sorry.

We want also to hire workers to maintain the sites, but we cannot because of lacking funds, due to high rates.
LETS ALL BOYCOTT BITPORNO UNTIL RATES ARE AGAIN UP. cease all uploading to this site and shift to other uploaders like openload and datoporn where they operate on mutual benefit and their admins are not trying to make money from our uploaded videos without giving uploaders their fair share and let himself upload the high quality videos on his own which he is so desperately selling te idea of.
RapidVideo Admin is the only one in this "industry" that isn't as money horney as the big sites like openload. Most of the earned money goes back in his project.
Do you think 1080p encodings are easy? Why do you think openload and other websites with those rates don't add the 1080p quality? Right, its extremely costly.
Ofcourse it was a bad idea to introduce 1080p to money horney low quality people like you, that all they want is to earn as much money as possible.
People who know the qualiy of RapidVideo will stay if they aren't money horney and want their "visitors" to enjoy quality videos.
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Common sense

To Noah -
Shrug yourself up to reality. 90% of uploaders upload videos because of good rates. If u are among the 10% who is obsessed with high bit 1080p videos then stay with them. I am not speaking for you. I am speaking for other uploaders who upload good quality videos daily to bitporno so that they can make money. Its a mutually beneficial relationship where site gets quality videos and uploaders gets their value of time and effort. I am neither speaking for junkuploaders who are wasting space on the site. I am myself associated with Bitporno for many months now - my shortest video that i ever uploaded was of 20 min and that too HD. So, i am also not a junk uploader neither i am obsessed with high bit 1080p. moreover earlier we had features of 720p and 1080p videos as well. Nw its just going high bit.
Now apply common sense here with new rates i.e 17.5$ of bitporno vs 35$ of openload. Why would 90% of these uploaders put their effort on bitporno. To me its a liability vs asset and i will choose asset. When by investing same time i can get double - every common sense individual will go with openload if rates are not reversed.
And also lately everyone is getting problems with mp4 upload and i tried today to test it with both bitporno and openload. Where openload was able to retrieve the video and play it nicely but bitporno retrieved the video but it can't be played - it says error loading media. This error is coming increasingly much more with mp4s upload whether remote or normal.

I am actually shocked with the rates, this is the same site which doubled their uploading rates in january for few days. So, after that i was very optimistic about bitporno but this completely catches me by surprise and nobody saw it coming.

Good luck for u with bitporno at these rates and before calling names like money hungry etc respect other people view points and remember MONEY IS THE NECESSARY EVIL.
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And? Ad networks/advertisers shaved their rates for us too. If we were to keep the rates high, we would need to put 2 popups extra and it means in embed views - 8 popups per view. In addition we moved the servers to new location, where porn is allowed and DMCA is less problems for them. We dont like to put contents on server which is easily taken down, Of course quality bandwidth cost mininum 0.4€ per mbit, its expensive, 1080p is expensive, we are still expensive.

Here i show the picture of ecpm change over last months:


As you can see, there is always a decrease trend over last months with these ad networks.

I can change the encoding settings for 1080p etc and set it to lower bitrate to 3mbit or something and make it look shit, but you could get full 35$ rates then. So how about it? I dont think, it will get befenits. You cannot force us to make something that we lose money in long run.
If u cant survive without advertisers u also cannot survive without uploaders. U are whining about rates that u can't give 35$ - we know we cant force you to do anything. But definitely we can change to other profitable sites which still knows how to run a profitable bussiness with good revenue sharing. That's all i am doing now just shifting my all videos to other hosts.
And also i was replying to Noah not u -- may be u are the same person.

Good luck with your endeavor and lets end our conversation here. I understood

BOTTOM LINE IS - Uploaders who need money should shift to other site as we can't get money here at bitporno now or in the future. I get that.
I really do not understand some people. In addition to thousands of satisfied and proud of user you are is found to blackmail giving me this man and his efforts. To 5% understand how this man works and tries to please everybody you can have quality and earnings and so choose to thank him. Ok I understand that these lower rates hit or explained so far 10 times in detail the reason for this. I really do not see the reason for the rebellion over. Not a single dinar this man does not leave the pocket of this work than all absolutely everything invest in servers to prove gratitude to us for us many loyal its customers. I have the most visits from state to him the lowest tier and many times I had the opportunity to like this as you go out into the street and start to boycott. But I remained sitting and use your brain and asked himself why his so many small rates. Then think of many of my loyal visitors to my site where advertise and videos of rapt to have written to me, "Do you have high-quality video 'no brakes, no 10 different crazed pop up window that blocked the whole browser. Then I asked if I would go with the second, where I have a little higher rates for my country and then set the video that have 10 different pop up and lose so many loyal viewers.

You're the last night so much energy spent to boykot him and to offend him because you don´t like current situation, and then ALL other is understanding.

Do you think this man is cold and that he does not care what we think as one. What first think about your ass and then to us. I'm sorry I'll tell you whether you're wrong. I repeat, to understand you're frustrated but if you're so used time and energy to try to break it down. Or are you engaged than some of its competitors, or the like. I do not understand really. I wish you all the best and hope that you will find happiness with someone better hosts.
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I No upload 4 month in bitporno why? 0.3 cent / day .....this is low. I upload last year 2000 video. 0.3 cent / day. 2000 complete movie = 0.3 cent / day! This is low horrible and technical bug in site.

Low Rates Low Money Low Quality Site.....

0.3 Cent / Day! Bitporno Is So Very Low.

Please Closed BitPorno Domain! Low Site Low Money Low Quality.
I don't understand some people. You wait make money from video hosts company's? Why you don't create good site with good SEO And user fair ads? You can make many more money from ads. For me the Quality is the point in videos sites. I dont care how mutch money i take from bitporno I want high quality videos for high quality sites and i make money from my own site ads. Simple!!
Sorry for my english but i think you understand the point
If you looking for another site to post bitporno videos I started a new video site hit me up Skype DJboutit for more info. This video host has the best video quality of any paying video host I know I have tested out a lot of paying videos over the years.