Rapidgator Discussion thread

Everywhere RG shaving. No one Getting sales. Maybe Its RG Cheated or Warez going to Down. Can Anyone One Confirmed Me sales working Fine?
From Last 3 days My stat Very Bad. I am Damn Sure They Are cheated or Warez goes down.

Worst Week Ever. Never Seen Before. :(
Since website down within 4-5 hours on July 13
Download counts bad. I think they turn off server to upgrade shave mode
It is time to stop using them.
Today I hide all rapidgator link on my site

Maybe they are having merchant issues with accepting payments or something. Stats are very bad, even worse then regular shaving days. Download count down here as well. Or they are just trying to save few cents by even cheating those guys still on PPD.
Affiliates can only complain every day ..most off aff will still coninue working with RG..they have their blogs, their huge topics fulled with tons of RG links..and it's not a easy to task to jump to another host..and the only host accepted in big forums it's k2s right now..
I work with both.. on K2s I have only few material...no more uploads for months..and have 1-3 sales/week..without worknig/uplouding
On RG I started with 1-2 sales/ day..and now I have 0 sales/ week...with alot of material daily..
They cheat on everything...downloads..sales...They don't even count downloads!!!
On K2S all my material gets downloads...on RG maxim 10%..and only 1-2 dl maxim sometimes..

I stopped working with filehosts now..I will wait something more decent...
Affiliates can only complain every day ..most off aff will still coninue working with RG..they have their blogs, their huge topics fulled with tons of RG links..and it's not a easy to task to jump to another host..and the only host accepted in big forums it's k2s right now..
I work with both.. on K2s I have only few material...no more uploads for months..and have 1-3 sales/week..without worknig/uplouding
On RG I started with 1-2 sales/ day..and now I have 0 sales/ week...with alot of material daily..
They cheat on everything...downloads..sales...They don't even count downloads!!!
On K2S all my material gets downloads...on RG maxim 10%..and only 1-2 dl maxim sometimes..

I stopped working with filehosts now..I will wait something more decent...

K2S shave very very much too soo if you move there have first month good sales and then 0 too... me the same problem:-j
What about Terafile..somebody using ?

Affiliates can only complain every day ..most off aff will still coninue working with RG..they have their blogs, their huge topics fulled with tons of RG links..and it's not a easy to task to jump to another host..and the only host accepted in big forums it's k2s right now..
I work with both.. on K2s I have only few material...no more uploads for months..and have 1-3 sales/week..without worknig/uplouding
On RG I started with 1-2 sales/ day..and now I have 0 sales/ week...with alot of material daily..
They cheat on everything...downloads..sales...They don't even count downloads!!!
On K2S all my material gets downloads...on RG maxim 10%..and only 1-2 dl maxim sometimes..

I stopped working with filehosts now..I will wait something more decent...

K2S shave very very much too soo if you move there have first month good sales and then 0 too... me the same problem:-j
Hello everybody!
Yesterday I started with Rg. For a day, with more than 1000 files I have only 3 dls. With the other host I`m still using, dls are normal, here - 3.
Any kind of help would be useful. I`m a newbie at RG. :)
Best regards.
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Hello everybody!
Yesterday I started with Rg. For a day, with more than 1000 files I have only 3 dls. With the other host I`m still using, dls are normal, here - 3.
Any kind of help would be useful. I`m a newbie at RG. :)
Best regards.

Only one advice..Use another host!

:D Ill try with mirror links with RG and another host. To see hows doing that option... Tnx anyway
Dear Partners,

Recently we have discovered high amount of fraudent transaction which been processed via our merchant gateway.

We decided to change hold from 4 days to 32 days. Next payout will be done on 14-08-2014.
Unfortunately we are forced for this measures by credit card institutions in order to adapt our affiliate program and payouts procedures and in order to make sure this will not happen again in the future.

This have to prevent us from getting further fines from Visa and Mastercard.
We hope for you understanding and for continue of our cooperation.

Kind regards,

Message from rapidgator
Dear Partners,

Recently we have discovered high amount of fraudent transaction which been processed via our merchant gateway.

We decided to change hold from 4 days to 32 days. Next payout will be done on 14-08-2014.
Unfortunately we are forced for this measures by credit card institutions in order to adapt our affiliate program and payouts procedures and in order to make sure this will not happen again in the future.

This have to prevent us from getting further fines from Visa and Mastercard.
We hope for you understanding and for continue of our cooperation.

Kind regards,

Message from rapidgator

WTF !! 32 days ?

ok this is it the one thing that keep me use RG was his payout everyweek