Rapidgator Discussion thread

Dear Partners,

Recently we have discovered high amount of fraudent transaction which been processed via our merchant gateway.

We decided to change hold from 4 days to 32 days. Next payout will be done on 14-08-2014.
Unfortunately we are forced for this measures by credit card institutions in order to adapt our affiliate program and payouts procedures and in order to make sure this will not happen again in the future.

This have to prevent us from getting further fines from Visa and Mastercard.
We hope for you understanding and for continue of our cooperation.

RG bye bye
ohh my god why 32 days for god sake why???? why not 7 or 14 but 32 days??? i really didn't expect this....i think it's not fair....hope they will not introduce some new filehost like k2s.....why are you punish me like this why??????

All right, I've never bought into the whole 'shaving' that people think RG does.
But waiting 32 days for a payout ?
That's just wrong Rapidgator.
Bring it back the way it was.
Whatever fraud may be going on, obviously you know what it is by now and presumably have stopped it. But do you think penalizing affiliates with a 32 day wait is helping you ?