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imgchili payment scam with proof
even they did't reply.

i sent a mail to them
in my account it shows that they sent a payment but when i check it out , i see no Payment
waiting their response.
@acapa, give it a few hours, payment is probably just processing now, it shows that a cash out has been done in my account also, but will probably not show up for a few hours.
what is going on with them? before they was paying normally on time now is more than one month whitout payment.. do they have new owner or what?
According read on your blog and here AlertPay are not paying for me to change to paypal.

Next Payout:
Wed October 2nd, 2013

I'll see if I pay in that or not, I carry no charge from:

Last Payout:
$5 on Wed September 4th, 2013
i was waitng my payment yesterday and now i got this mssg Next Payout:
Wed October 2nd, 2013

Wtf Is going on with them? Where is infomation about payment? This is another image host who should learn from image twist how to work
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