Ultramegabit Pay-Per Download $35/1000 - PPS 75% - Rebill 60/40

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Ryushare 60% Sales and Rebills (Unlimited file stoorage)
Uploaded 30Euro PPD with 45% Sales 25% Rebills (Unlimited file stoorage) 180Days deleted file inactive

Ultramegabit 75% only Sales (no rebills) :( Limited stoorage (no support ZOOM for very fast upload and easy) :(

Sory moogie.... but thanks for all my payment... i trusted with you <3<3 love you Ultramegabit UMB

If you guys want to see ZOOM support please reply at author of zoom's forum for UMB support

New Extended affiliate stats for PPD. See what countries your clicks are actually coming from, so then you can know what is exactly going on with your traffic!!

moogie i still can't login..


and my account is already activated..
can you please check my account... i am affiliate or not ?
i sign up as us written on first page... but it show status basic...

username : madboy007

already aware of the db error. We're just fine tuning mysql to handle this massive increase in traffic. No worries guys.. should be done in a few minutes.
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