- Read WJunction staff note (last post)

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MySQL limit was still set to default value after the server upgrade. This has been fixed!

Cyberj37, what is the site you use to promote? Also, what is your daily hits in general (NOT the clicks you send us)?
Ugh... forums are untested in this field, although I had hoped for better conversions as your linking is great. Problem with forums is your users are repeat visitors, and they are smart enough not to go for advertised links. Check your PM for a suggestion I have for you.
Quick Update:

1. Searchbox is now fully functional! Searches on the site give real-time search results! Try it yourself!

NOTE: The searchbox linking codes in the affiliate members area have been updated accordingly! Now searchbox searches target the search page, and provide real results for the user!

See this page (scroll down a bit) and test out any of the search boxes to see what I mean.

2. A Search Cloud is now visible on the search-results page!

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I found that loading the random images/links off the sharingzone made the page load very very very slow. I ended up making a script which grabbed a load of random images and parsed and cached into a database :P
I found that loading the random images/links off the sharingzone made the page load very very very slow. I ended up making a script which grabbed a load of random images and parsed and cached into a database :P

yep, faced the same prob with then i just cached it and made it update every hour instead of every visit :P
I am using this. I have no sells yet.

I am from Serbia so I must recive payments by check. Can you send it to my country and is there any issue with that?
I don't see why it would be any problem... if you can accept them and cash 'em, then we can send 'em ;)

Also you won't expect much in sales from 5 - 10 unique clicks a day in one week. You should be getting at least 1000 raw hits per day on your site to expect significant income -- so building traffic to your site will help with that.
How about mine? Mine is over 1000 Raw hits/day., this month not even a single sale:P

Traffic is pure google traffic, still no sales.
Rockstar, can you show me where your links are? I will tell you that forums do not convert as well as other sites, due to repeat visitors and forum users are usually a little smarter than the average Google surfer.

If you are sending forum traffic, the best way to get an accurate read on conversions is to display your Sharingzone links only to Google referred traffic and to guests -- this way your will have a more accurate reading on sales (regular members will almost never pay for anything).
These types of sites don't covert nearly as well as they once did. Especially forums where most of the users are returning people that don't need a service like that.

And you don't "need" 1000 hits to convert. If you want to convert how about making something other than a Warez site which is probably 1st or 2nd worst traffic in the world for converting.

And another thing, if your website is providing downloads that work, then why would a person go to SZ or LD, or anything else for that matter and buy something? Half of those clicks to those sites are probably misleading as is anyhow.
@ jovica888

You don't need 1000 clicks, he's just stating for every 1000 clicks on average a user gets a sale. For you it might be 225, or 319, or even 2018956372 clicks per sale.

@ Switchblade

Crappiest traffic in the world? No way. Try image hosting, file hosting, or porn sites lol :D
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