FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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i don't know,but i am getting this speed right now:

HI Fileserve!
I bought a voucher six months last month but now my account type is free.
what happen with my account ?
pls check my acc : horse1102wild

premium problem

I bought a 1-year premium membership RickyFS dates of membership, but membership free membership reduced to 22.07.2011 and 22.07.2012 End Date to send e-mail and files to be deleted is still ongoing, despite suffering from such an application was made I want to know why. We hope you have converted the sun you know Google Translate


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Hello all .. Does RickyFS still lurk this thread.. I heard he was the man to talk to if you have an issue with your account.

My premium account of 1 yr expired and i figured i had somewhere between 30-90 days to re-up.. actually i had under a couple hundred in earnings so i was just trying to figure out how ta convert some of my earning to re buy for another year..

Anyway what felt like a week or maybe two at the most went by and i cant login. I use a password manager so its not a lost pass issue. My ftp pass still works.. so that gives me faith..

Did my account expire prematurely ... I did fill out the contact form on the 20th on the fileserve contact page, so its only been a day but i havent heard back & Im a bit worried since i have around 170 in earnings in my account. :(

Any advice, help ?? RickyFS, anyone... or someone just shove me in the right direction. Thanks in advance.
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