X4B.ORG - Reverse Proxy Hosting - Hide your Server IP (Russia, Sweden, USA, Romania)

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I gave you the ones requested via PM, whitelist those IPs and your own.

Wednesday to Friday maintenance will be occurring on all of our nodes, this maintenance will be aimed at ensuring a more reliable system for the future as well as adding new features and finishing existing ones. We expect downtime to be no longer than half hour per node, at most no more than an hour. We appologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

If you use CSF, please whitelist your own proxy IP (the IP of ours we give you) in your firewall, this is one of the many changes that will be happening.
It hasnt begun yet, ill actually be a couple days behind schedule just found a but in the newest version of the web server (nginx) so im going to wait for the new version to be released.

New timeframe will be Friday-Saturday, sorry about this.
I have contacted the datacenters support and requested an aditional 2 IP addresses for the Swedish node. Hopefully ill have them within a day.
Your IP should be available in the morning.

Also dear Swedish node customers, come the end of the week (14th) the cost of this node will be increasing slightly to
$0.09 - per GB bandwidth + $0.09 - per day per IP (v4)
This is due to increased costs with the datacenter. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Actually I take that back, 2 new swedish IPs are available now.

On a side note first lot of maitnence performed today with next to 0 downtime, Russia Node 1 is now fully updated. The other two nodes will be done in the morning.

What changes to expect in the not to distant future:
- HTTP Keep alive (HTTP/1.1) support
* This means we will (optionally) be able to maintain X connections to your server and persist these connections between requests. This will result in quicker loading times for your vistors as well as add support for HTTP 'streaming' (Chunked transfer / PHP flush() )

- Alertpay payment gateway
* A much requested feature, long overdue.

- More server locations. More IPs.
* If you have specific requests, be sure to raise them. We are currently looking at Ukraine ourselves although are open to suggestions.
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Russia Node 1 has been having some issues (the other VPS containers on the server are the prime suspect) the host is looking into the issue now.
Yes, you need to install mod_rpaf (Apache) or ngx_realip (nginx) or use the php code. See the first post.

Also FYI all a bug was fixed that prevented people from reloading their config and the romanian node was offline (how long?). Both fixed. Also this mornings login temporary login bug was fixed by the datacenter.
Yes, you need to install mod_rpaf (Apache) or ngx_realip (nginx) or use the php code. See the first post.

Also FYI all a bug was fixed that prevented people from reloading their config and the romanian node was offline (how long?). Both fixed. Also this mornings login temporary login bug was fixed by the datacenter.

What do you mean about the php code? :P thanks for your help!
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