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How come, today i uploaded to my friend's 'free' account in the morning, with ~1500KBps/upload slot with zoom's tool (it was about 22.000KBps sum upload speed) and now when i want to upload to my premium account i only get 150-250KBps/slot?!
Since i upgraded to premium i haven't noticed speed upgrade. It's disappointing. X-(

ps: I want to try in this month a .nl located VPS, i'm browsing atm for a good deal, maybe my upload speeds will be faster on wupload and on filesonic. If not, i'm out of ideas.
hi willy

something weird happened to my account my money has been exchanged for premium I hize application there any way to replace it?

ugh, my stupidity is truly impossible - I bought half year premium using paypal and then I discovered trade in points, I could have 2x longer premium account for this money :S... However great host, one of the best, I am grateful for it, and this promo was totally awesome...
If there is something You can do with it Willy.. lol, it is the most stupid thing I did for a long time. But I know I paid double money for it and it was my decision. I just want to prevent You guys from doing the same.

Hey, sha-dow!

If you PM me your account ID, I'll see what Willy Will Be Able to Do! ;)


The affiliate promo is not for me.. no referrals :( , just going to have to wait to see if another come or not.

Good things come to those who wait, jason, but good things also come to those who go out and seek! :)


How do I order bonus?


Hi Willy, I have a problem with the previous bonus.
introduced a wrong email address, and never get the bonus of 25% and 50%.
My account listed as paid, you help me?

my user: sent by MP


Hey, tren!

I'll look into it and shoot you a PM!


how will the july referral bonus payout work? is one payment at the end of the month or will it be added daily to referral earnings?

Hey, blazekush!

You will have 3 request dates !

July 11
July 21
August 1

The request link will show up in your stats!


hello. i have about 144 links. I try to use the link checker but after about 20 seconds it says
504 Gateway Time-out

The server didn't respond in time.

Hey, mygb!

Can you PM me a FEW of those links? I'll check them out!


When I request promo, It show a new page and I should fill in two text box. One is E-mail, other is password. I don't understand, what Email here?? My paypal Email or my Wupload acc's email??

Hey, kendeptrai!

It's your Wupload account e-mail!


when can u11 be fixed?
i upload a file thru ftp it got assign to u11, now can't even download myself or ru to other filehost.

Hey, colie!

If you have any u11 links, please PM them to me!


bonus requested. carry on willy

Will do, Hoolifan!

FTP, http, ru all not work :(

Hey, Keosoft!

FTP IS working, the same with http & RU!

RU has a massive amount of files processing right now, so it requires some patient!


u11 is not working and some of my shared files CAN'T be downloaded. Please, fix it or remove it.

Hey, swa5tica!

Can you PM me your u11 links??


Why there's 3 R letters in word: referral, in banner on WJunction?

It says ...50% extra referrral earnings :)

Because you're supposed to roll your "r"s when you say it, cvrle! :P


Can I have two accounts (without any reflinks) on one computer ? I've got on account but my brother want to have another one.

No, gawex!


hi willy

something weird happened to my account my money has been exchanged for premium I hize application there any way to replace it?


Hey, dracula!

PM me your account ID, please!

hello willy. if the same free user downloads 3 of my files within 24 hours will I get earnings for all 3 downloads from him or just 1 in a 24 hr period? thx

and remote upload worked for me today
hello willy. if the same free user downloads 3 of my files within 24 hours will I get earnings for all 3 downloads from him or just 1 in a 24 hr period? thx

and remote upload worked for me today

Hi, mygb!

We count ALL free user downloads!
We only count 1 download per premium user per 24 hours!

Total Earnings and paid/unpaid shouldn't equal ?

Total Earnings* = $89.62

Total Paid in USD*: $94.67
Unpaid in USD: $48.73

Total Earnings should be 143.4
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