[WIP] 100% automated remote upload bot (Python)

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Since I've decided to turn this idea into real script I'm going to make a thread for it here.

I know there are a lot of people here that use videohost affiliate programs. I also know most of you (remote) upload and post your links to various sites manually, or at best use macros. If you fall into this category then you'll probably be interested in what I'm working on. Ever looked at a newly released TV episode or movie and wondered how some people always have their links up within minutes of it appearing on the streaming sites? They use private bots/scripts.

The one I'm working intends to outdo every single one of them in scale, features, portability and extensible. It's entirely modular, meaning it has the potential of finding content/links from anywhere, remote-upload them, and submit them to anywhere or anything. It's also fully automated. You run it and it'll do it's job 24/7 without user input. No more wasting time looking for new releases, finding links to remote upload, and copy-paste + post them across a bunch of sites. You just sit back and collect affiliate rewards.

Here's a debug run of a work-in-progress version of the bot:

Ignore the fact that it's running inside an IDE :p. Basically you can see a quick debug check of a new plugin followed by it running for 2 "cycles". The first one takes a couple of minutes. The second cycle finishes in seconds thanks to the cache kicking in. I'm not an uploader so if you have any suggestions or tips I'm happy to hear them :). Likewise if you're a coder and have questions or suggestion please ask/tell.

PS: some streaming sites have some specific requirements before they let you post links. I can't add support for a site if I can't submit a sample link to it. So if you're an uploader or the owner of such a site and want it to be supported please shoot me a PM. I'm especially interested in a primewire.ag account that can post links.

Edit: sales thread: http://www.wjunction.com/threads/re...ad-link-submission-and-dooplay-script.224179/
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Small update. I originally wasn't going add in support for user/personal sites such as WordPress+DooPlay-based streaming sites but I've already had people contacting me about it. Considering having your own site is a good way to get traffic to your videohost links it makes sense for a lot of people to have one. Therefore it also makes sense to want this script to be able to submit links to it. Not to mention the way the script is designed, it only needs a "LinkSubmitter" plugin for a site in order to support and submit links to it.

However, I don't own a DooPlay site and I really don't want to deal with running a half-broken nulled version locally. Much less waste time nulling it myself. So I'm looking for someone who currently has a DooPlay site up and running and wouldn't mind giving me access to it (temporarily). All I need is to be able to submit a handful of links so I can reproduce the process in Python, and then test the implementation.

Beyond that the bot is getting close to being finished. I've been running it mostly 24/7 for the past 2 weeks or so to make sure it's working as expected. And it does :). Support for a bunch of more sites has been added, including PrimeWire (finally). Depending on the type of content I estimate links appear on at least 20+ sites, that's including indexers and search engines such as Alluc. Support for adult content has been added. Replaced the hard-coded remote upload process with a modular one. Meaning it's no longer purely an Openload bot but has the ability to support any videohost. Right now links get uploaded to both Openload and Streamango, but again, support for any other host can now easily be added. Also did an initial optimization pass and changed the caching from in-memory to on-disk. In a worst case scenario it's currently at least 10x lighter than anything Selenium-based and at the same time at least 10x faster. And thanks to the bot being headless (again, no Selenium) it can actually be run from a remote shell (Linux VPS/dedi/cloud) or as a cronjob.

Once again, if you have a DooPlay site please contact me, thanks :).

Edit: never mind, the DooPlay thing has been sorted out.
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