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VOE™ Video-Hosting:
Next Level Video Hosting: Superfast, well paid & reliable. :rocket:

Hello everyone :wave:

We would like to introduce you VOE.SX, a high performance video hosting cloud & Content Delivery Network (CDN). Below you will find our amazing conditions & all important information.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask them or write to us.

VOE AFFILIATE CONDITIONS - up to $35/10.000 Views :moneybag:
+ You can find the high rates here: voe.sx/earn-money
+ The minimum withdrawal amount is $10.00.
+ Payments are made every week or even faster. (mostly 24-48 hours)
+ The specified conditions are credited per 10,000 views.
+ Automatic programs to block advertising or VPN/Proxy/Tor traffic will not be rewarded.
+ 2 visits per unique IP-Address/user per 24 hours are counted.
+ Embeds / direct links are compensated equally.
+ The file must be seen at least 30 seconds and must be at least one minute long.
+ In case of abuse, fraud, or similar offenses we take the right to deactivate your account.

+ Powerful fast streaming & encoding!
+ Account Storage Space: starting at 3TB (depends on the traffic/views)
+ Storage time: 60-120 days without a view
+ Direct MP4 playback / background encoding
+ In-house development, no unstable xVideoSharing script!
+ Over 30+ player/account configuration options
+ 25 GB max file size
+ 1000+ supported remote upload websites
+ Comfortable Payout methods: Bitcoin, Perfect Money, Advcash, Litecoin, Payeer, Payoneer & Paypal
+ Smart Enterprise DDoS-Protection :shield:
+ Premium Player - it’s another level
+ Fully automatic highload balancing, for the fastest delivery!

VOE HELP / REQUEST :grey_question:
We are constantly developing the site further. So if something is missing, a problem has occurred or you have found a bug: contact us. This is the only way we can correct errors. We are always interested in satisfying our customers and users as much as possible. :$

✅ ZOOM Uploader supported
✅ ThemaCreator supported
✅ FTP/File/Remote/Clone Upload

  • Filemanager & Video Direct Link Example :round_pushpin:
    VOE Hosting Provider Test MP4 Streaming Video File
  • Statistic Dashboard
VOE LEGAL & POLICY :bookmark_tabs:
By using VOE you accept our TOS (voe.sx/tos), Privacy Policy (voe.sx/privacy) & Copyright Policy (voe.sx/copyright). DMCA requests are processed automatically. All of our logos are protected by copyright. Local laws and regulations apply.

We are at your disposal: For further questions or feedback please contact us here, via our contact form (voe.sx/contact) or email: contact(at)voe.sx. We will contact you as soon as possible. Please use our services only if you can provide high-quality traffic.

You can register here: voe.sx/sign-up & Thank you very much for your time. :ok_hand:
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uploading files no working in my acount any issue?
What method do you use to upload your files? As far as I can see, there doesn't seem to be a general problem. Your account has enough space and other users continue to upload. There we have to look then in detail, if you can write us e.g. as private message, what exactly does not work (e.g. links are not displayed etc.)
I have been waiting for the paypal payment for 10 days now
userr name - doctor
Yes, the payment method took a little longer this time. The withdrawals were all executed earlier, with you also with the remaining account balance. Then the issue is settled.
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Everything is ok for now. I appreciate your work. but:

1) All other video hosting sites have the 5% rule. I think you can differ from them by reducing this number.
2) I checked an example video in my google chrome mobile version and saw that one of pops in the begining was blocked by chrome's own popup block system. in that case the video is not counted as awarded? if not, what do you plan to do not to blocked?
3) I checked several times (firstly changed the mode and waited for at last 15 mins) 75% and 100% earning modes include the same popups amounts. I mean, in the begining 4 pops. 75% mode shouldnt have 3 pops?
4) Do you plan to add VAST ad instead of pop? i think it would be great to reduce one popup in the begining and changing it with the vast ad.
5) Can you give information about premium player?
6) Account storage (3tb) for the begining is not a little less?
7) What features do you plan to add in the near future?
I'll address your points once, unfortunately we didn't get a notification last week that anything was posted here....

1) The reason for such rules is the number of ads. When a user starts a video, he clicks 1x the advertising away. A user who watches 5 minutes, will click more often advertising away. This of course makes a difference in revenue, especially since we don't have 7+ popups with the 75-100% ad settings compared to other services.
2) they are counted. Mostly there are 2 types of popup blocking: 1x per domain, but this does not apply to us and 1x when too many popups are opened one by one in general, where you can only play a bit with the popunder/popup formats, which we don't do at the moment.
3) This varies depending on geo/time/device. We usually check once a week whether the values are still correct. Not every admode has 1 extra popup more. Sometimes, for example, the capping of the social bar is increased.
4) Not so far, VAST is almost not worth it, the turnover is very low and it is currently better from the user's point of view to close some popups instead of having to wait 30 seconds.
5-7) No, it always depends on what you can offer for traffic, then we can also increase the storage space. If you use 30TB of storage space but only generate 10 cents of revenue per day, you will of course make a loss. 3TB is certainly a good value to start with after that we have to see what kind of traffic/geo you can deliver.
8) Unfortunately, I cannot provide any information on this. At the moment, there are rather changes taking place in the background, but you as a user won't notice that much.
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What method do you use to upload your files? As far as I can see, there doesn't seem to be a general problem. Your account has enough space and other users continue to upload. There we have to look then in detail, if you can write us e.g. as private message, what exactly does not work (e.g. links are not displayed etc.)

Yes, the payment method took a little longer this time. The withdrawals were all executed earlier, with you also with the remaining account balance. Then the issue is settled.
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I'll address your points once, unfortunately we didn't get a notification last week that anything was posted here....

1) The reason for such rules is the number of ads. When a user starts a video, he clicks 1x the advertising away. A user who watches 5 minutes, will click more often advertising away. This of course makes a difference in revenue, especially since we don't have 7+ popups with the 75-100% ad settings compared to other services.
2) they are counted. Mostly there are 2 types of popup blocking: 1x per domain, but this does not apply to us and 1x when too many popups are opened one by one in general, where you can only play a bit with the popunder/popup formats, which we don't do at the moment.
3) This varies depending on geo/time/device. We usually check once a week whether the values are still correct. Not every admode has 1 extra popup more. Sometimes, for example, the capping of the social bar is increased.
4) Not so far, VAST is almost not worth it, the turnover is very low and it is currently better from the user's point of view to close some popups instead of having to wait 30 seconds.
5-7) No, it always depends on what you can offer for traffic, then we can also increase the storage space. If you use 30TB of storage space but only generate 10 cents of revenue per day, you will of course make a loss. 3TB is certainly a good value to start with after that we have to see what kind of traffic/geo you can deliver.
8) Unfortunately, I cannot provide any information on this. At the moment, there are rather changes taking place in the background, but you as a user won't notice that much.
Thanks for your reply. Now the video should have watched at least 35 secs or 5%. I couldnt get it properly
:mega: We have replaced a good part of weaker servers with stronger ones in the last few days and increased our network performance in general. This should now offer better performance at popular times. The feedback we have received so far is consistently positive. :heart:
Hey, is there a way to get the single thumbnail image via API? I couldn't find anything about it in the developer section
Unfortunately not at the moment, but it may come soon (3-4 weeks). The paths of the images will soon be changed again anyway and all saved so that you can individually select a format independent of the video. It makes no sense to integrate them now, when they will be changed soon anyway. :)
From what I see, this host is taking a long time to pay. I have a pending payment since the 22nd.
This varies depending on the payment method. Most payment methods like Bitcoin, Payeer, Advcash, etc. are paid out automatically within 24-48h. Litecoin and Paypal are currently only paid out every 5-10 days, as these are processed manually and we don't pay out all payment methods every day because of $10. It's best to always use Bitcoin, as it runs the fastest. :)

"Notice: due to the Christmas/New Year and bank holidays, most payouts will be delayed by up to 1-2 weeks. Please just wait there, we will process them one by one afterwards."

In January-February, the other payment methods will also be automated, then there will be no more delays. So we are already aware of the delays in some payment methods and this will change soon. :thumbsup:

i have a small problem. i bought a service from netcup and have recently been trying to upload things to voe. unfortunately, i found that despite 2.5 gbits, i only upload a maximum of between 1-3 mb/s per file. i wanted to ask here if anyone here has a similar problem or how i can fix the problem. i don't have any such problems on other servers.

i have a small problem. i bought a service from netcup and have recently been trying to upload things to voe. unfortunately, i found that despite 2.5 gbits, i only upload a maximum of between 1-3 mb/s per file. i wanted to ask here if anyone here has a similar problem or how i can fix the problem. i don't have any such problems on other servers.
Lastly, we are not aware of any upload speed complaints, and we are not currently limiting the speed...

Do you upload directly via our website or do you use software like zoom file uploader? Have you ever tested it out at another time to exclude temporary problems?
Lastly, we are not aware of any upload speed complaints, and we are not currently limiting the speed...

Do you upload directly via our website or do you use software like zoom file uploader? Have you ever tested it out at another time to exclude temporary problems?
i use zoom most of the time yes. however, the problem is also on the page directly.

i have tested this for about a month now and unfortunately the problem is permanent.
uploading speed is slow and views are bad counting now my earn decreased with more view how can be posible?

regarding the upload speed, on Friday night we always perform raid checks and server maintenance every week for a few hours. This currently always causes your upload problems in the period. Usually there are few users online and so far no one bothered. But it seems that we should change that since you submit the report every Friday. :)

Regarding the views, there is a text about this on the statistics page: "Notice: These statistics are currently being adjusted for a forthcoming update, so there may be some distortions in this view." but that should not change the revenue. This should only create views fluctuations (the relationship in general, especially in relation to the e.g. Adblock views) as we migrate 2 systems and the process was started only 2 days ago.

I just checked your account, from the beginning of December (2022-12-04) until now your views have halved and your outgoing traffic consumption went down by about 60-70%. As far as I can see now, this is not related to any adjustments we made. But I like to keep an eye on that.