- Upload your PORN videos and Earn up to US$30 (Offical)

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hey guys!
In the experience from top uploader. they usually own a blog even website to spread out their videos then earn a BIG amount.
If userporn help you to create your OWN PAGE, you have do nothing, just move your videos in video manager.
Then a new page will contain all of your videos. What do you think?
Good idea, I just want this. because I do not make website and blog.
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Transfer money system it's sucks.


Same with fileserve.
Why are my videos not displayed in the porn page under their category.
I just checked and there are only videos that where there before i uploaded mine.
How does this work.

Payment Delay

Dear users,

In the unexpected event of some problems with payments, we have delayed payments for all users until Tuesday afternoon.

Sorry for any inconvenience occured.

UserPorn Team
Why are my videos not displayed in the porn page under their category.
I just checked and there are only videos that where there before i uploaded mine.
How does this work.

Firstly, you need to change the privacy setting to "Public" in "Edit Profile"
At our back-end, we have a monitor, calculate & determine which videos will be shown in the page. Edit the cats, descriptions and tags will increase the chance to show the videos.
However you can search your videos by using the search function.

And also, we will have a new function to make your own userporn page, the page will just contain your videos. This function will be launched in the end of month.
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