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I so agree with Danny1986.

T00 said he left the scene forever, but yet he comes back to pull another game with Odin.

@ To0: If you sold the site in the first place why are you trying to bring it back? Cause they make mistakes and don't have the database? Is it because of that. You promised them the database. You never gave it. If you are saying Odin never payed for it. We can ask him to upload the Western Union receipt that he send it you the money. Your a pathetic fag, who shouldn't even be on this site because you pulled a huge scam worth of 1600 dollars. Thats a lot of money. So, what if they mess up on Katz when they submit. Every single person makes mistakes and they learn from their mistake. If I were you I would hand them what rightfully belongs to them. Nobody respects you on this forum, gtfo and kill yourself.

@ Global: The only reason your supporting him is because you were Founder on and got banned due to some reasons I don't know of. Thats the reason your siding on To0/Origin. If you were still @ .org you wouldn't be saying those epic quotes.

*First of all, what makes any warez web master any better then Prodigy? Let's talk about honor for a second. Would you call stealing patented/copyrighted products, works, songs, and movies honorable to the people that work their asses off in order to make it? You seem to have no problem with that whatsoever. Is that not ripping off those that composed all of those? Why is it that you don't have a problem ripping off other people (artists, musicians, programmers), yet you have the biggest problem when someone does it to you. Tell me that's not hypocrisy at it's best right there. How on earth is stealing other peoples stuff more honorable than what Prodigy allegedly did? There are some products out there that are worth thousands of dollars, that are routinely stole in the warez scene, yet when something of yours (not even yours, Odin's) is allegedly stolen, people have a fuc*ing fit.

*It's not a fuc*ing scam if you're doing the same thing to someone else, and then more on top of it, lol. And as much as you try to argue, that's not thinking childishly, that's thinking realistically and logically. And besides, from what I understand Odin knew that the Database would cost more and was separate from the domain, yet didn't come up with the money for both, so that's called being fair, not scamming.

*You want to talk about scams? Let's talk about half of your guys' design, most of which was designed by Yen (i.e. userbars, default avatars, and the logo I believe). Yet Yen got pushed aside and now you guys deny he had any part in designing it.

*As for Odin, I have no respect for him anymore. He may be angry, but for someone in his position, it is never acceptable to call one of his members retarded. The rest of the staff over there (including Danny) is alright in my book, but not Odin anymore.

*What Prodigy plans to do is start over, so what's everyone's fuc*ing problem? If you don't want to be a part of it, then why are you even fuc*ing posting in this thread? If you don't want anything to do with him, then just stay out of the fuc*ing situation. No ones forcing you to join his site. I personally will be one of the first people to join, because Prodigy's site will be amazing, just like his previous one. I'm proud to be defending him, because he's a realist, he has been nothing but respectful this entire time (even though all of you are throwing it back in his face), and he has decency to say he wants to move past all of this, and all of you (with the exception of Danny) don't know the fuc*ing meaning of forgiveness.

*As for Ultima, if he has no problem working with NeXuS (who is allegedly responsible for letting the site go down in the first place), he should have no problem with Prodigy.

*And lastly @Danny, I would have no problem with someone phishing my account, if that happened. (however I don't have any accounts for that reason) I understand that I'm as much fair game as all of the artists and actors that I myself steal from. However, I don't have a paid account on any site, and I would never register for a visa/credit/debit card, because I understand that I can't get mad if they ever would get a hold of it. So as long as I'm stealing from other people, I understand that I would only be a hypocrite if it happened to me. I'd make sure it wouldn't happen, but if it did, then I'd realize it's no one else's fault but my own (which is how you guys should be thinking as well).
I do understand what you are saying RY, I really do, BUT when I said honour among thieves, the big corporations weren't really in that. We are the thieves, they are the ones being stolen off. They are big corporations who make billions of dollars every single day, whereas us webmasters are very normal people who have to work 24/7 just to put food on the table for our kids.

There is a complete difference between what ToO did and what we do, like I said, we don't steal off small people, we steal off very big corporations, they can afford to be robbed off, we can't.
@Danny, if Music Artists and Actors can afford to get stolen from, there wouldn't have been any laws against piracy. Those people are just trying to put food on their table too. The money from the products that we stole could have gone to some charity organization or to people less fortunate. In that sense there is no difference in what Prodigy allegedly did. He allegedly stole from Odin, and Odin is stealing from other people on a regular basis. Just because his income is considerably less, doesn't mean it's anymore respectable or acceptable. Stealing is Stealing, and if you have no problem stealing from someone else (regardless of their economic status), then you should have no problem if it happens to you. If someone killed a bystander on the street, should that be seen as more acceptable then murdering a person of higher status? Would you say that they can afford to be murdered because they are just another person and maybe not as important? Of course not, because murder is murder. This is a similar situation (on a less severe level, but still a similar situation, in that a crime is a crime).
To me, honestly, yes there is a complete difference, the reason that it is illegal to do do what all us webmasters do, is becuase the content is copyrighted. It's got nothing to do with the artists being rich or poor.

I would never scam someone else in the same position as me, I try to help people as much as I can do, but when something like this is happening, it is pretty hard.

By the way RY, Odin is a really great guy, he is kind, and very generous to people. He snapped at you the other day, because you commented on something that you didn't know. That is the only reason. You know he is a great guy, and so does everyone else on here.
So they put all of their hard work toward their craft (whether it be an album, movie, application, game, etc.) right? They put money into it in order to make it, right? Well it's the same exact situation, Odin put in his money towards something, and allegedly got ripped off. Is that not what you're doing to all of these other people by stealing their copyrighted material? Of course it is. So I don't understand why you are all upset. You do it to these artists without any problem, yet when it happens to you, you get all bent out of shape and furious about it. You even said yourself that it doesn't matter whether they're rich or not.....exactly!!! You're still stealing from them right? They are in the same position as you. Take away their money and they have the same emotional, mental, and spiritual problems you do. Regardless of how much money they make, you're still stealing from them, stealing stuff that they put money into, that they put work into, that they put passion into. So you have no problem stealing from them, full aware of all of the hard work they put into it, right? So why are you so upset that it happened to you guys? You're doing it to other people, so why are you so mad? Odin may not be a rich guy, but like you said, money does not matter. He's stealing other people's hard work, so by doing that, he cannot be mad if someone else stole money that he worked hard for, end of discussion. It's a thing called fairness. If you're fine doing something to someone else, you are willing to accept the consequences of that same thing happening to you.

I don't claim to know every aspect of this whole situation, I never did. But in that particular thread, there were several other people who posted as well, all of which didn't know the entire situation either. Yet for some reason, I'm the only one to be insulted by him. And I don't think it's a coincidence that I'm also the only one who disagreed with him in that thread. So does that mean he'll snap at you every time you disagree with him? Good leadership is keeping calm and keeping your cool even in tense situations, and I didn't see any of that in that thread.
I am not going to turn this into a debate about how much artists make etc, and what is right and what is wrong. I know what is right, and I know what is wrong, that is all that matters.

Well why would Odin snap at someone who didn't disagree with the truth? There would be no reason to do that. He snapped at you because you commented, with a lot of opinion, that odin was wrong and ToO was right, even though you didn't know the full story. Me and Odin would never end up like that, and you know why? We have respect for each other, i respect him, and he respects me, simple as that. If he makes a decision that i don't agree with, I will talk to him, and we will talk it through together, and it is sorted like adults, there is no arguing, no griping, nothing like that. The same goes for OzMan and MirKO, we all have our own opinions, of course we don't always agree on things, but we sort it out, without having bitching matches.

By the way, i find it funny, that the only people who agree with Odin on this are people with most respect, the people who actually matter ie Hawk, ACiD etc, because they know part of the facts.

I will never chnage my mind, you will never chnage your mind, we may as well just leave it at that, because I am and always will stay loyal to Odin, so there is no point getting into this argument over and over again.
See, you expect Odin to treat you with respect, and so did I. When I'm mad I don't go insulting other people, I keep my composure. He did not, but to be in his role, he should always be expected to keep calm. Mistakes are fine, everyone makes them. However, If I called someone that, I would at least apologize. He has not. No one's even had the decency to take that thread down or even edit what he wrote. Then on top of it all, I get demoted a level out of spite, not because I broke any rules, but because someone thought oh hey this guy has different views, so let's punish him for it. That's one of the reasons I'm mad.

I don't want to make this about how much people make either. If you truly know what's right and wrong, you'll know that stealing from someone without any remorse, and then getting stolen from and getting angry is never justifiable, under any circumstances.

I have plenty of respect. Am I mad that people are lashing out at Prodigy, calling him a thief even everyone on this board is a thief? Am I mad that people are calling him names (i.e. fag, worthless piece of garbage, etc.), yet he has not once disrespected any of the members back? Am I mad that people of authority (you, Odin, and any other webmaster here) won't admit to the amount of hypocrisy of you guys are committing my looking down upon a guy that only allegedly did the same thing you guys do every day? Am I mad? Of course I'm mad! However, have I once, this entire time shown any disrespect to anyone? No, I haven't! I've stated my opinion, used logic, and that's all. Nothing less, nothing more. People have called me names, called me disrespectful, and probably look at me now as if I'm a jerk or the bad guy, and I understand this. But have I once said anything hurtful to you or anyone else here? No, because I respect you, and most of the other members here.

I was never trying to change your mind on the topic, however I wasn't going to let people continually abuse Prodigy when he has only shown them kindness, care, and respect here.

If we want to talk about what's funny and what's not, how about we talk about hypocrisy again. Person A steals from Person B, and doesn't feel sorry for it whatsoever. Person C comes along and steals from Person A. Person A now claims that stealing is terrible, yet still sees his own stealing as acceptable. Now that's pure comedy.
Odin hasn't been online for a few days, he has been really busy, so not had a chance to apologise for what he said. At the end of the day, you keep saying that ToO is a good guy, he really, really isn't. I understand your loyalty towards him, just like my loyalty towards Odin, but if you knew the full story you would know who was in the right and who was in the wrong.

I have not once called you any bad name, the most I have called you is childish, which isn't really bad, I respect every single last person this site, except ToO.
nah, i never said you disrespected me, you've been perfectly respectable, and i understand you're a great guy, the unfortunate thing is that there's two views on this topic, and unfortunately were arguing for opposite sides.

and about Prodigy being a good guy, I know he is. He may have made a mistake, but everyone does make mistakes. He's said he wants that whole situation in the past to be forgotten, and wants to start over. I've made mistakes before, and I understand how frustrating it is when people keep holding it against you, no matter what you do. That's why I keep talking about that whole Odin situation, not becuase I'm really mad about it, but because I'm trying to illustrate how annoying and grueling it is when people won't let stuff go.
Well the only thing we can do is leave this now, let it go, we will see when the battle commences when ToO reopens his site.

Until then, you're a good guy RY, maybe a bit too loyal to ToO, but just cos he is a d***, don't make you one.

this is my very last comment on this subject now.
Just so I can see what it looks like and make any necessary changes before I post it on WJunction, here is my initial response to this entire fiasco.

Well, after 10 pages of reading, I have to say that I found this all somewhat amusing. It appears that people don't understand what happened. Well let me help everyone out; Here is a link to the very auction in question, as it was found on this very web site.

There are roughly 23 pages of reading, so I won't say that it is an easy read. If you do as I did and read the ENTIRE thing, you will fully comprehend the scam that took place. I will leave that up to you, so that no one else may say they don't know what happened.

I will start with Origin, Prodigy, To0, ArtiFax, Redefined, whatever it is you have decided to call yourself today. I will gladly tell you that when I first went on to, it was the first warez site I had ever been on. It was an entirely new world to me. I was mesmerized by the wealth of knowledge, the complexity of its design, the activity of the users and the continual growth of the site. I was there. I may not have been known there so much, but I was there. I had immense respect for Prodigy, and like the others here, willingly backed him on everything. (DXS, NeXus, all these other shady things that no one knows the full story of) And then you disappeared. USAWarez collapsed, and that was the end of that. I ended up on Warezscene, and was met with hospitality by UltimA and everyone else on the site. I continued to repsect Prodigy. It was a short while later I was contacted by Oz. I kept in close contact with him as one of the first members back to USAW, and I held my hopes high that the data base would be in our possession and it was promised to us. That day never came. Then came the attacks on the site. We were all unsure of what was going on, until I was contacted by animal. He told me that somebody the Founders knew was attacking the site, and had intruded upon our servers. Eventually I was contacted, then, by Redefined, who I was told in multiple ways was To0. He spent a decent while delivering me his manifesto, telling me how the site was stolen from him, and how he is simply taking back what is his. I would like to again point to the auction link I posted above. I told him he needed to let go, and that the site was no longer his; it had been sold to Odin. By now, any and all remaining respect was pretty much diminished. I spent the next day here, on WJunction, reading the entire auction. That finalized it. All respect was gone.

How anyone can support this supposed "Revival" of something he "sold" to Odin (and I would like to point out he stole from Odin more than the value at which the site should have been sold) I understand how eager some might be to return home to the original USAWarez under leadership of the original owner, but it is gone. That database is dead, a lot of those users won't return, and To0 is no longer the owner, whether or not he would like to admit that.

Global. I started receiving messages from him shortly after I received messages from Redefined. I am being 100% serious with this when I ask. Are you bi-polar? I can truly understand the difference between being professional in the warez scene and joking around outside of it, but you are far beyond that. You did nothing productive, you said nothing that had any meaning. You talked about dicks for 20 minutes. I promise you, I am not making that up or trying to stretch the truth. What amazed me even more is after the attack on our site was over, you had the nerve to ask me favors. Do you think at all? And more importantly, if you are so inclined to deliver us such wisdom as you have, why is it you need to act so immaturely? Do we wish to talk about hypocrisy? Global would be your prime example. He has repeatedly broken the rules of, mind you. He has even posted "fixes" to our server that were looked over and quickly found to have massive security holes that would allow people access. He clearly has no good intentions, is not worthy of respect and/or trust.

RightfullyYours. I have the utmost respect for you, and regard you as a highly intelligent individual. You back To0 with an interesting philosophy. The only way to possibly sway or mind, or at least combat it, would be with more philosophy. You say that expecting there to be honor amongst us is hypocritical because we steal, as is the nature of warez. I ask you this. Is this NOT a community? I have found a majority of the users I have come across to be hospitable and friendly. There is such a thing as healthy competition. None of us here are trying to say To0 can't and shouldn't own a site. What we are saying is USAWarez is no longer his, and he must accept this. He has stolen from Odin, he has lost the respect of many people who have once respected him. What he has done for the warez scene may be monumental, but that doesn't make him immune to consequence. Because of the nature of what we do, we have to stick together. If one of us were to go down, odds are the rest of us would go with them. This is why there must be honor amongst us, and why the actions of To0 cannot be ignored. You may drive the theft argument all you wish, but communities do not steal from each other. Can any decent or self respecting person steal from their family, their neighbors or their friends? I don't think so.

To0, I have lost all respect for you, and that will never be fixed (though I'm sure you truly don't care) You say that our guys are in it for the money. I assure you that it is a hobby and something they love. That is why I can promise that you will not be able to buy us. If you are so amazing, build your other site up from nothing. No one has objection to that.

I only hope that everyone here can understand what has happened. To0 stole from Odin, attacked, and is now trying to use a hostile take over if he cannot get what he wants. This is pathetic and I am amazed this is even being attempted. Should you choose to do the right thing and continue with the site you already own, I wish you the best of luck. Should you proceed with whatever scheme you have conjured up now, then thank you for further proving that you are worthy of neither trust nor respect.
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