Selling "The Ninja Pack" - ThemaPoster Forums Pack

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Active Member
"The Ninja Pack" - Thema Forums Pack v3.0 - X-Mas Sale - 9$

ThemaPoster users PAY ATTENTION!
The Ninja Pack is here!

Version 3.0 Has released!


The Ninja X-Mas Sale!

Special promotion for the holidays - The Ninja Pack just for 9$!

Hurry up, and get yourself X-mas gift!

Payment method: Paypal, AlertPay.

What is The Ninja Pack?
The Ninja Pack is a forums pack (Games/Movies/Porn/EBooks/Appz and much more) for your ThemaPoster!

So What's NEW Master?
During the last month we're worked intensely to bring you the most updated and detailed pack.

So... What exactly did we do?
1. The dead or suspended forums are out! We replaced them with new working forums!
2. The pack now is multilanguage - English/Hindi/Spanish! There are different sections for each language!
3. No more 41 section... now The Ninja Pack contains 108 different sections! Including Mobile section for Iphone/Android/Ipad/Blackberry and much more detailes Adult Sections and it's not just it.
4. Instead of 8,000 templates The ninja Pack has over 24,000!
5. 50 more new forums were added so now you get 350 forums!

And it doesn't ends here!
Yeah! That's right! Every new customer
who'll buy The Ninja Pack will get a registration service for 25 of The Ninja Pack forums! That means that we will provide you account for 25 forums!


What does it contains:
350 Forums: over 270 Warez (Gamez/Appz/Tv Shows/Hollywood Movies/Bollywod Movies/Spanish Movies/Mobile and more) forums and over 180 Porn (All Videos – HD/Video Clips/Amateur/Hentai and more).
108 Different sections for maximum accuracy for posting.
• All the Icons/Prefixes for all of those forums.
• All the Templates numbers for those Sections (Over 24,000 Templates).

And it doesn't ends here!

How to Install?
When you purchase The Ninja Pack you get a full installation guide with ScreenShots for every step - Yes! it's that simple!

We're always at your service for technical support, questions and feedbacks.


How much does it cost?
We're not playing games - one pack for games, one pack for appz, another one for Porn and one for movies - here you get ALL!

  • Special promotion for the holidays - instead of 16$ - The Ninja Pack just for 9$!

Payment method: Paypal, AlertPay.

Support / Questions: via PM or E-Mail:

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payment done bro , waiting for the pack :)

edited: okay got my pack now , im just creating usernames , will be back with my feedback :)
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Can anyone please post screenshots of recent earnings using this on filesonic? Did it generate alot more downloads and sales? Please inform, thanks
Soussana: wanting to buy this, don't have themaposter yet, is it easy to setup with this script?
thanks oh and how fast after payment sent will i receive it? all i need to do is create username and passwords and thats it, correct?
Hello, jezhead.

You will receive setup guide with screenshots. easy installation.
You will only need to register and start posting.

We also here for any questions. ;)


You need to buy the ThemaPoster, after that you buy The Ninja Pack.
You've got an installation guide with screenshots for easy installing - it won't be a problem.

After payment you'll recive it in a few hours, and yes, you'll nee to register to the forums.
Sousanna: ok so for example, i buy themaposter and your pack, all i have to do is apply your pack to themaposter, create log/pass on all the forums and that's it? i'm ready to post after that? that simple?
If that's the case then i will just buy your pack now lol
Hey Soussana ! I have a problem with the new version ! The name of my posts dont inlucude the name of Hosts.....

Ex : [ FS ] doest appear at all or [ MULTI ] :( :( it used to work before.....

Please can you help

Thank you and sorry for disturbing you ( yet AGAIN haha )
nagymagyar22 - There are dead forums, but need yo understand that it could be because of changing servers, connection issues, upgrading the forums and what's not working today will work tommorow (any way, it's not in our hands), and because of that we're releasing from time to time updates :)
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