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  1. S Encoding RDP from 36$/Month (UK)

    Great support!
  2. S

    Premium CB Graphics - Where Quality Matters

    Got my work form coolboyz - perfect as always ! Thanks a lot, mate. =)
  3. S - Kimsufi /OVH Servers start from $30/month (FR)

    Nice guy, Nice prices... just order 1 dedi. =)
  4. S Buy Admin Encoding RDP, 10Gbps RDP, Private RDP From 6/Month(NL|FR|DE)

    I've just ordered the Encoding Pack (100) - Awesome! And GREAT coustemers service too!
  5. S

    Dedicated - OVH / Kimsufi Servers Reseller start from $33.36/mo (FR)

    Same problem here. i opened 2 tickets. Nothing... today is the last day. X-(
  6. S

    Selling "The Ninja Pack" - ThemaPoster Forums Pack

    most of the are in English and most of the other languages acceptionf English movies.
  7. S Buy Admin Encoding RDP, 10Gbps RDP, Private RDP From 6/Month(NL|FR|DE)

    I've got NL RDP and it's awesome! :) Great speeds, ans better than it is the Coustemers Service!
  8. S

    Selling "The Ninja Pack" - ThemaPoster Forums Pack

    We're not sure about v4.0, but a new update will be released soon.
  9. S

    Selling "The Ninja Pack" - ThemaPoster Forums Pack

    We're working on it...
  10. S - 1 Gbps - VPS/RDP from $7.99/month (US, NL, DE, UK, SW, FR, CZ)

    M107... I will try your service. =) Any discount?
  11. S

    Selling "The Ninja Pack" - ThemaPoster Forums Pack

    The Ninja X-Mas Sale at WJ! Special Price for the holidays: The Ninja Pack Just for 9$ ! DECEMBER 20 - JANUARY 1 Best Regards, Soussana
  12. S 1Gbps, Unmetered, Remote Desktops from $15/month (NL,UK)

    NL RDP ain't working...
  13. S

    Selling "The Ninja Pack" - ThemaPoster Forums Pack

    @YOUSEFN - Problem already been solved. Send you PM.
  14. S

    Selling "The Ninja Pack" - ThemaPoster Forums Pack

    @Dani: so many noobs on WJ... @All: We and Eater create packs form scratch, so no way somebody can re-sell. As i said, Buy only original packs like "The ninja pack" and "Eater Instant ThemaPoster Templates V.2.5". Regards, Soussana
  15. S

    Selling "The Ninja Pack" - ThemaPoster Forums Pack

    @all - beware of scam pack like "D@Ni Exclusive ThemaPoster Templates". Buy only original packs like "The ninja pack" and "Eater Instant ThemaPoster Templates V.2.5". Regards, Soussana
  16. S

    Selling "The Ninja Pack" - ThemaPoster Forums Pack

    nagymagyar22 - There are dead forums, but need yo understand that it could be because of changing servers, connection issues, upgrading the forums and what's not working today will work tommorow (any way, it's not in our hands), and because of that we're releasing from time to time updates :)