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Guys and gals - since we are on downtime again I would just like to remind you all that there is a competition running - make a banner for sharpfile - either a general one or a 'go premium' or whatever you like - we will pick one or more soon and the winners will get a free month's premium.

Rules are simple ...
1) In order to claim your prize you agree that Sharpfile can use the banner in any way we see fit with no further remuneration to the maker.
2) The banner must contain no copyrited material

Go for it ! :sun:

Ps: you don't have to use the wording we used in previous banners - you can make up whatever you like so long as it's relevant and correct.
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Update New Contest:

For every hour the site is not done and ready starting now we are adding $10.00 to the pot so after 1 hour its $10.00 after 2 hours its $20.00 after 3 hours $30.00 and etc..etc...

Then after its all done, we will add up the final money, and then this week we are going to hold a Kool contest(to be announced later) and whoever wins that contest will win he money we put in the pot today :)..ok The new contest we hold for the money will be announced at a later time, I am still thinking of what iw ant it to be....

So guys start counting the hours.. Ohh and just so you know, I make the final decision on the money by MY clock, so no :D

p.s. ONLY registered users are qualified to win

If you think 8.99 is too expensive for 30 days, I am sorry but we will not give out 30 days premium for lower than 8.99$

no wonder u create contest and now price is changed, hahahaha thats nice trick :))
@ Any time tag buddy? I mean how long the site will be down?

Man oh man how I hate to say this, but I am just wild guessing that it's gonna be a MINIMUM of at least 10 more hours :( but this time it's being done right.... And we are gonan do everything we can to make this up to people, because I know this is really hurting people and probably lots are mad at us.. But we are trying 100000% have you cheked what i sent you about our discuss.

iam going to sleep it seems that we can't from now upload until you finish the work by tomorow.

Update guys : check the report page it's being now great files donwloaded and wich file get sales like filesonic great kep up the good work thnkx!
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Thanks for my first from you today $harpfile.With all this going on today I wasn't expecting it.

I know at times today there were a lot of people in this thread.I wonder what the highest number of people viewing this thread was today?
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guys have you noticed that sharpfile get popularity day after day now it almost getting to the number of views of netload and other that's amazing.
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