ScopeHosts.Com Unmetered 100Mbps|1Gbps Windows/Linux VPS at 7.99€/mo.(NL,DE,US,RU)

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@ dnkenkelll

New Test file sent

We do allow sborg for private usage .

@ am1000

Presently all the nodes of Windows NL VPS are almost full . So no discounts available at present.

We have discounts for NL Linux VPS and DE Linux VPS .
Hello, nice speed. Unfortunately most nl windows are out of stock. Would keeping waiting.
Nice offer. If possible,please notice me when any nl windows is available (Bronze or Silver)
Sir, 8 hours ago I was replied that u were assigning stuff to tackle my problem. So far, I got no more answer from u. Could you please do me a favor, wake your technical engineer up and ask him/her to solve my problem? Thank you.
I opened a ticket 24 hours ago and was asking for transfering my newly-bought vps from nl to germany due to the fact that ryushare is banned in nl, plus the request to ask you to try visiting ryushare in any germany vps to see whether it is banned or not.
About 8 hours ago, u replied that u would create a germany vps for me without telling me whether ryushare is banned in germany or not. I replied almost instantly but still could not catch u and u disappeared again.
The 3 day full refund policy for me is expiring and I am still waiting.
@ dnkenkelll

Sir, On weekends only 10% of the support department is active . Regarding your request , its being processed . Soon you will get response from the technical department .

@ methad0ne

Your ticket will be taken care by the billing department .
Hello, new vps received. Unfortunately, I think u have assigned a wrong plan to me. It should be the gold one in Germany which corresponds to the silver plan in NL in terms of the price(20 euro).

Added after 4 Hours 19 minutes:

solved a couple hours ago. Not bad.
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@ methad0ne

Your Billing ticket was resolved by the billing department personals with detailed information .

We appreciate your patience with us during weekend, when billing department is offline. Continue enjoying our service .
I've ordered VPS almost 6hours ago and already paid whole 15 euro plus tax and still waiting.....

I can't tell there is "Instant Setup"

ok after next 3hours of waiting i got it, right now its working properly
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@ KaraMustafa

Our Live support member specified the reaon or the delay in shipment of the service .

We are constantly getting bulk orders . As the plan you ordered was out of stock . We had to wait for our Technical department to finish the installation of new servers .

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused . Thank you for ordering service with us . Hope you will enjoy our service for long period.
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