- Install Tickets at $7.50

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Umm, I already own half of sBorg (the duties were divided amongst us, as he was good at server side and I was good with ideas). Note that Somik and I started the whole thing.

Update: I sent him a few messages and he would call me up tomorrow.
Umm, I already own half of sBorg (the duties were divided amongst us, as he was good at server side and I was good with ideas). Note that Somik and I started the whole thing.

Update: I sent him a few messages and he would call me up tomorrow.

Somik good at server side but him busy him job. I think If him and support not good, We want keep sborg I think we can provide service good for all custommer, and server side I think my friend support not bad. And we need you Halcyon
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Sounds like Somik has washed his hands with this project. Halcyon you should take over the entire project or just make it open source.
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Let me talk to him today - I'm sure his job is keeping him busy (the last message said that he has to work for 3 weeks, no holidays)

Added after 13 Hours 45 minutes:

Spoke to Somik, can summarize the conversation into 3 points:

1. He is busy this week and the coming week. Will be available on Feb 1st but is also working on sBorg client script during the free time.
2. LeaseWeb has banned his email/location and he will not be able to pay for the server - no worries as I can do that.
3. He didn't have a copy of the client script, so I've emailed it to him a minute back. The backup (about 2GB in size) that he took was corrupted and he wasn't able to restore it. Hopefully my copy would help him out.

For people who have sent the refund request, please confirm back whether the amount has been transferred to your respective accounts or not.
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I guess my time has finally came...I was start writing post few times but quit, well I give sBorg more and more and more times to fix issue, and day by day, non of this happened so I think it's my turn to say few words

First of all, I love sBorg and it's a great tool that every seriously poster need, I personally use it 2yrs+ I like that you guys trying to give a best of it and listen customers what they have to say, fix bugs, plugins, help others...that's what

1. We are working with sBorg, sBorg is our "main tool" (there are a lot of us) 1st Feb is so far, but let's face it, if it's done by the end of Jan it will be ok, but if he start fixing/making licence server then...really don't know (but I think that a lot of peoples are frustrated, waiting, waiting...) / not making any money...bad...too bad.
2. Change LeaseWeb (they are NOT one and only hosting provider in NL) as they again and again causing trouble or don't change it if you are sure that they will NOT causing trouble in future (always have a plan B for this situation, other hosting provider or whatever)
3. I'm not into it, but I think when you actually make some service and a lot of peoples using it (u know real number, as sBorg hosting and licence tickets) I don't but how much, but I do know that a lot of people that I personally know using it

So...let's roll back in December of 2013

I bought a sBorg hosting for 1 month (doing that, paying on time, got my sBorg hosting, everything looks great) I use sBorg like 2-3days and suddenly sBorg hosting is down (it was down before, so no big deal, let's wait a day, two, three...) it will back online, it was back (a few weeks after that, preciously), but anyway after few days/weeks of waiting (stressful situation, constantly coming on wj and refresh like 500x/day this topic, waiting for ANY positive answer....I'm not sure that you're aware of that) I'm deciding to take money back (as I don't want money and sBorg hosting was down too, as a refund I make a deal with support and got licence ticket - I got it, thanks to you Hal! :) ) OK, bought hosting (VPS, linux) sBorg is installed, configured and it was all working just fine about 3days!!! Suddenly 1st Jan 2014 licence server is not working, constantly got "Connection to license server lost." message, I guess that you (sBorg team, whoever) will not pay bill for VPS (I don't I just write to see my current unused, well full 3days used last year with sBorg installed, I really don't need VPS, but I was buying it only and only for sBorg)... I did not get what I was paid for (I mean, I got great VPS and server was working superb, but I was having/have licence ticket for sBorg that don't work!) I really don't know what is a problem with licence server I just wanna that sBorg work, again situation is a really stressful, 'cuz WE're actually living with a lot of help of sBorg, we make real money with it, and I'm really tired of everyday checking what's new...and everyday same story, "he" will do that in about...well I can conclude few months from now! Contacted him and constantly busy this day/weekend is not an answer, that's calling a delay. You have a GREAT product, I repeat a great product & great support (well, thanks to you Hal:) ) but don't let it be like it's now (hanging out, not a live, not dead), we're living from this, our working time is from 9-5 every day, constantly (well a lot of us do this job like all day without a clock, some over 20hrs a day...) this is how we're paying bills and make money for living, we don't have other job. We also know for holidays/vacations, but before we go (outdoor) somewhere we take a money in pocket, right (or plastic/credit cards etc..)?
This is a huge downtime for sBorg (will not count days, just saying huge) and I really hope this will be the last time that something like this happened to sBorg again (don't let it go).

One more time, great product, great support, bad, bad, bad solution for licence server (and annoying message: "Connection to license server lost.") please fix this once for all and make next update to be stable product.
Also I'm not only talking for licence server, I also talking for sBorg Hosting service. :) / please make it more stable next time when update is ready.

Guys if you find yourself in this situation, you can at least Like this post!

Thx! :)
Trust me, apart from the main post - I guess this one was the second biggest post in this topic!

I'm really happy to know that sBorg has been so important to you. :) this means a lot to me!
"1. He is busy this week and the coming week. Will be available on Feb 1st but is also working on sBorg client script during the free time."


Soon my dear friend shakir69!

Note: I'll be away for the next week to attend a training. But will check the topic a few times from my mobile. If there's any update from Somik, I'll post it for sure! :)
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