- Earn up to $40 for 1000 Downloads (Official)

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Hummm.... so many changes in country groups just by request of uploaders. No hoster does this without previous studies on how much they'll have to pay... it won't last a month or... someone is gonna shave downloads... 8-)
Hummm.... so many changes in country groups just by request of uploaders. No hoster does this without previous studies on how much they'll have to pay... it won't last a month or... someone is gonna shave downloads... 8-)

So for that dont ask to Change country Groups we will ignore your message

Hey can you please add egypt in at least group c
and i promise u will have milions of people from egypt just try

man its not about i can it add or not ,

its about how much member from "milions of people" become premium

and as you know its will be 0.1% max or many none

for that we cant add it
maybe you can contact other file sharing he can add it

and to earn more make sure you get traffic from us uk ca .. to your files

It sounds interesting, but i will pass because:

1. You're even more expensive than fileserve! 11.99 USD per month, is just too much!
2. Files will be removed in 60 days - which is too soon - unless you become premium.
3. And even IF you become premium, files won't "live" for ever, as it happens in all other file hosts, but they will be deleted in 200 days.

So, you might pay more than other filehosts, but you're not as uploader friendly..
RU from FS doesnt seem to be working, does any one else have this issue?

Dear sir it work if you have premium and you have enable auto downloads

make that you this form when you wanna remote from any other file sharing


User: is your user name
_passwords: is your passwords

Let me know if you need any other help
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