Shared PhotonServers Shared Hosting 1Gbit, $4.99/month

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hey after appying this coupon i have problems stating
The promotion code you entered has been applied to your cart but no items qualify for the discount yet - please check the promotion terms
Promotional Code: half - 50.00% One Time Discount
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Dear Sir,

Please note that this 50% OFF is on Quaterly, Semi-Annually and Annually purchase.

Also this applies only to the personal plan and the value plan.

Please try that and let me know :)

Thanks & Regards
Price looks great. I hope its not one of those hosting services which suspends your website at the drop of a hat with some lame excuse. I am wary of it since I have come across many such cheap hosting which offers unlimited bandwidth but suspends the site due to high CPU/bandwidth usage.

Can you guarantee that you won't take my site offline at the slightest pretext?
@Bose thanks for your kind review.

@Prazsky: we do not suspend your account for using alot of bandwidth. We do suspend your account if you use high amounts of CPU load that causes the load to rise extremely high, as this would affect other clients.

Yes we can guarantee that we wont take your site offline, if you do not violate our TOS, by installing rapidleech, torrentflux and any other load consuming sites.

If you follow our TOS we will not suspend your site, and if we do we will have full proof before doing so.

Thanks & Regards
in the TOS have this:
Examples of unacceptable material:
* Scam Sites (ex: Ebay/Paypal,CC/Password Scam sites)
* Mailbombers or any sort of spam sites
* IRC Bots
* Warez Hosting
* Hate Sites
* Roms / Emulators
* Pirated Software
* Proxies
* Hack programs and archives
* Malicious Scripts
* RapidLeech
* High Load Consuming Scripts

warez hosting unacceptable???

Yes we dont allow warez hosting,

I think you meant warez linking, they both are different things.

Warez Hosting is having the files on your server and promoting it for people to download, which we dont allow.

Warez Linking is uploading files to other file hosts like rapidshare, hot-file and others and posting the links to the site which we do allow.

For more info do not hesitate to reply back to this post :)

Thanks & Regards
Hello Sponge Bob,

I Would like to host my Warez Linking Site on your shared-server, budget plan ..... presently i m hosting on another host , i m using PhpBB3 board.... will u be able to transfer my board from my earlier server to your server ?? -] is my domain


Hello Sponge Bob,

I Would like to host my Warez Linking Site on your shared-server, budget plan ..... presently i m hosting on another host , i m using PhpBB3 board.... will u be able to transfer my board from my earlier server to your server ?? -] is my domain



Hey, Yes we will be able to Transfer your site but first you will need to Order then Open a New Ticket with your previous cPanel Details.

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