[Official] Azushare.net - Earn $40/1,000 Downloads, 50% from Sales & Rebills or Mix!

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U try to upload with ftp??
u try to use a different browser?
u said...i try with 3 pc but the identic adsl line??

Azur...thanks for the logo's
if u insert the logo's here.....for exsample...."http://azushare.net/style/logo/logo_small.png"
we can use direct link :-)
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Same adsl line. I don't have any ftp server. I was able to upload throw Remote Upload but if I upload big files it takes too long obv.
Same adsl line. I don't have any ftp server. I was able to upload throw Remote Upload but if I upload big files it takes too long obv.
You have problems with DNS, if you know how please change your DNS to google's one to check if it works. All our servers are up & running. Remote upload is only possible for files that are directly available without login data.

how about changing plans
we can change ppd to pps at any time or ?
It is possible to change the plan at any time - but it will be changed at midnight.

Azushare, please enable download count to PPS users.
After new file manager we are also going to expand Ref stats (their logins, and visible PPS/PPD stats even despite having another plan)

how to set up download limit of the files only for premium members?
It will be prepared, as of now you are unable to do that I'm sorry
Please can somebody confirm that download stats are not frozen? My stat is showing only 3 downloads counted for the last 30 hours. This is impossible.
All your files have not more than 1 visit. Almost all have 0. It is impossible to have earned downloads if no one even enters... Are you sure your links are correct and clickable? :/
There's a loop now when I start a new upload, landing me back to the file manager.

I will hope the fix for this error, and also starting to use azushare as main host.

Best luck for you.
I can`t upload my all files , when I start with web upload part 1 part 2 is uploading part3, part 4 don`t tried 3-4 times but without success ,
I don`t want use ftp or zoom want with web upload fix that ASAP
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I can`t upload my all files , when I start with web upload part 1 part 2 is uploading part3, part 4 don`t tried 3-4 times but without success ,
I don`t want use ftp or zoom want with web upload fix that ASAP
You can try again now - we have changed upload system a bit - it might be better now, in case of failure PM me pls.

i dont know why too many user request for premium account, as i know free user space is unlimited rite?
It might change in the future, probably it will.

Hi Azushare
I could not find the file name to change?
If you have mouse over any file you can edit it.
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