- Custom Skin - Needs your review!

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Hello LF,

First of all the logo rocks :-), I like it! Favicon?.....That's right start making it.

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Those images do NOT match the skin, you either need to get one which matches it or make some custom one's as well as the new posts and no new posts one (main view). The quick links (apps) (music) etc arn't linked up to the categorys......Can't say much more than that but the skin rocks :-), Just do the thing's I stated above and you'll have a perfect skin. 8/10.
Oh man, I didn't even see those. :p Thanks for pointing that out..I will get right to those.

Those quick-links will be set up as soon as I get finished creating the forums, so that I have something to link to. So, luckily that is an easy fix.

Thanks iMack, for your really helped :)
the only thing I used from xeverts skin is a total of 2 images, which was customized from the center of his...the rest is uniquely mine :) Besides, I payed him what we thought was appropriate for my usage, which was basically nothing (the usage).

What shows up when you try to load it?
I Would more like if it is a fluid version
and font colour also quite dark
should be more bright so that easily readable

header realy rocks

so from me
Theme is XsAvay By Xevert Studio ( if anyone is intrested in buying it.

i see you have taken out the large header and replaced it with a smaller one.

  • Header logo doesnt match the theme
  • Welcome notice logo doesnt match the theme
  • Footer is terible (you should have left Xevert's footer)
  • Forumhome seperation lines are black and dont match (should have again left the Original forumhome by Xevert would have looked really nice)
  • Forumhome status icons (looks like the msn icon its not very unique you should replace it or use Xevert's icons they look much better)
  • No adds/flash banners/flashing text etc...
  • Nice header icons
  • Site loads fairly quick
In my opinion you killed some of the uniqueness of the skin by replacing/reverting the style with default vBulletin layout Xevert is known for making his theme unique and by removing most of his work you have reduced the skin to make it look like any other site, thus making the skin not unique anymore. For anyone that is interested in comparing Xevert's Original with this "modified" site then the links are below.

Xevert: (unique)
Linkfire: (modified)

Final rating 6/10

EDIT: Oops i thought this clown bought Xevert's skin i guess not well you wont be using Xevert's images because if you do without his permission i will see to it personally that your site is taken down one way or another.
its stolen he payed nothing for it or the usage rites for the images
me and scareface both support xevert in paying him for his work
and pricks like you ruin it

i will back xevert and scarface to make you remove that style one way or another
Xevert makes some of the most awesome skins,
you guys should really appreciate the skins he makes.

And yea, your skin looks like the skin Xevert made, you just edited a few things and called it yours lol.

I have to agree with clarksta, what you are doing is wrong.
LinkFire Remove Xevert's Images. I am i good friend of Xevert and i will ask him if he gave you permission to use those images if he didn't i suggest you remove all of his images from your site they are copyrighted by Xevert and you are not allowed to just use them as you please. ( how can you call this your work ?? you put that shitty logo that doesnt even match and call it your work this theme belongs to Xevert and you have no right to use any of his graphic designs without asking him first.
To clear this all tooked from source code:

background: #0e0e0e url(images/XsAvay/XsForum/gradients/gradient_thead.gif) repeat-x top left;
color: #707070;
padding: 0px;

By the way, nice footer:
Skin customized by DigitalSilence of with minor help in graphics from Xevert Studios
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