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Active Member

Due to their suspicious service I'd advise everyone NOT to use KeyCAPTCHA. They may seem reliable, but one of our members provided Staff with enough info that proves that they're not just a group of developers.

If you wish to continue using their captcha, feel free to do so but don't create threads here if something bad happens to your Website!
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That captcha is too complicated, it should only be used if you want to piss the fuck out of the person who is trying to become a member of your site, lol.

P.S. I see you got your old account back! :P
I like keycaptcha it's not as stupid as recaptcha where half of the time you can't even make out the letters, because half the are in a script form and half bent form, bent like recapatcha.
I use keycaptcha on the OneDDL forums for registration and on

Its very effective and people tend to actually find it easier than ReCaptcha. Everyone can understand images, whereas deciphering some of the ReCaptcha words are virtually impossible.

We are also probably going to use it in our claim system.
Not everyone has time to sit around solving ReCaptcha captcha's either.

I guarantee that if it were possible to time it, I could solve a series of KeyCaptcha puzzles much faster than an equivalent amount of ReCaptcha ones. I also find it more enjoyable. But that is just me.
Please, please dont add this to your site.For me as cracker its almost imposible to make program to solve this..So please, stay away from this bad tool.Forget about it... :D
Well ... most people prefer it. If you can't solve the simple puzzle than push submit and get another. They are not complicated. I got tired of lame bot posters. I got tired of people just not giving a dang .. and I wanted something that is not so damned common or hard to figure out. reCaptcha is not even fun. This is. It was just a suggestion is all. :)
There are only 3 pieces to each puzzle. That's the easiest, quickest method. And it talks all of 5 seconds...hardly any trouble at all.

Now, the pairs of objects method takes much longer. See the dog and hunter example on the front homepage. You've got to match 5 hunters with 5 dogs. The hunter's boot color must match the dog's collar color. I hated that one.

I can understand why people employ these CAPTCHAs on their websites. For the dime a dozen shitty warez forums who actually encourage autoposting, this would effectively kill their websites.
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