Is Sharpfile counting downloads properly now ?

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i agree that they must be fixing something.
remember guys, they had backups before they started the update. there is noway they are not keeping now. its impossible.
have patience and trust.
i checked at the news section at their site a couple of hours ago and they said they are adding more hardware.

i cant see any of my files also, but by checking my links (list saved in my pc) i see them active and working. i just canceled some downloads.
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Even stat keep counting but strange - it counts like it's yesterday. Whatever. It's more then obvious - they work on something. For Gods sake, your guys don't need to panic each time and make a negative reputation without reason.
in this few days seems i can't upload anythin...zoom upload stuck, ftp not connect..what are u usn to upload?
i dont upload anything at all. i'm waiting for the green light from site's announcement.

it helps me keeping my stress low and the logic at least normal.

edit: my last upload was before RU went down. some days ago. maybe a week. dont remember for sure.
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just uploaded 20GB this morning and pretty fast - RU to lime server. and i hope they sort out the database so my file moving to over 150 newly created folders is not wasted...
WTF ???????? !!!!!! ALL MY FILES DELETED & my Account Balance is now $0 !!! FFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUU

Well, i actually can access my Files trough the links given out, so they are still online.

But if i go trough my Account they are all gone and i only have 5 $ remaining and all my referrals are gone.

Maybe they are playing around on the Script again ?

Sharpfile need to explain.
When I enter the Link of the things I uploaded it

i find it works

However in my account on the site does not have any files and earnings become zero
logout your account, and then re-login, you can see your money! !I just logout my account and re-login account back to normal! ! !
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