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Jesse is done helping now. He got us off our feet and is going back to his stuff. I'm sure I can drag him back in every now-and-then though ;)

bring J. after 1 month to cross-check :) imgah walks like a baby growing slowly and smiles to us ;)

still a lot to do (add) but we have the basics to work ;)
He'll be around. He just will not be working on the site like he has been or providing support here (much). He has his own stuff to do. He was only helping with the initial opening, but that went on quite a bit longer.
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That's not the thumbnail code. You'll need to get it from the image view page or when you upload the image. Looks like you're using the export link. That's not fully coded yet.
I'll put it on the possibilities list (that I'm about to add to the main post). If more people request it, I'll have it developed. Possibly a option to add how many images show per line.

Any more thought on this? I really sucks when trying to upload pic sets to forums.
Yup. This goes for all the mods. I tried two different coders. They both completed the job, but not to my satisfaction. I'm going to try my main coder Monday. Otherwise, I'll be waiting for the official script coders to be available. I'm not good enough with perl myself to do it.
Thanks for the reply... Are there any sites where i can post the bbcode from your site & it will do this for me, at least until you have it coded?
Must have been something I changed with the splash page last night that caused this. Anyway, check a couple posts up.

I cannot see it because it does not happen to me. Clear your history/cache.
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