- PPD / PPS (50%) New and improved

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Silver membership!

@left2hd - We are now extending only users who meet the criteria on: and we are glad to inform you that you are eligible for a renewal!
Your Silver membership got extended! :) :fly:

Any new signups for our super Huge Competition, all you need to do is reply on this thread and get ready for the 26 of June.

GOOD LUCK! :sun:
@hugefiles why cant unregisterd users download

It's a first complain we get.
Please PM us with more info, or just open a support ticket on site.

Anyone would like to enter a competition, a chance to earn more money??

@heart_tracker - As spoken in the PM, once you reach the required amount of downloads you will be upgraded.

Good luck to all!
It's a first complain we get.
Please PM us with more info, or just open a support ticket on site.

Anyone would like to enter a competition, a chance to earn more money??

@heart_tracker - As spoken in the PM, once you reach the required amount of downloads you will be upgraded.

Good luck to all!

Re send u pm kindly pls check bro and reply me

Thank you
Hey guys,
Wanted to let you know that the start of the competition is postponed in 1 week, we wanted to add more servers before we start it.
So, lets do it on the 4th of July ! :)

Now, anyone that didn't apply yet can do it by replying to our thread!

We will get back to all of the users requesting a silver membership and an extension soon.

Good luck to all! :D
@Throwbacks - Your membership got extended! :)

We from now and on will be giving out Silver membership only to users that will start uploading and achieve the needed values as stated on:

@iAmDjMAD - We are now adding more servers and making some pretty cool changes, more info coming soon!

Good luck to all!

The competition was pushed to 4th of July - If you haven't registered yet, this is your time to do so!!
@kocok - We support PayPal at payout.

@BramejForYou - Your login details are: your username and password
you can connect by going to - it's works 100% :)

Good luck guys :D
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