How to setup a vps without a control panel for dummies

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cpanel is waste of money for me.
I use lighttpd and debian.
I also setup DNS server, mail server... and don't know what else, but basically everything from command line, which is the best way to go and u have more memory
No offense, but when you can't use basic commandline tools, you shouldn't have a vps. Instead you should go for shared webhosting or at least get a managed vps.
what are you talking about? vps's are just toys lol. Anyone should be able to have a vps to mess around with and LEARN. There are somethings you can't rely on others for all the time.

That being said, shared hosting or managed vps are nice, even if you do have the ability to manage your own.

Great tutorial for ones that want to setup their first site on a vps.
Yes and he should do that on a VM not connected to the internet with a 100mbit connection. A VPS needs to be secured, to not become part of a botnet or send spam. What do you think where all the spam in your Inbox or your blog comes from?
sorry noob question

i have to add some A records to point my domain or just need to change ip in my nameservers in panel of control of my domain provider (namecheap)
what if i dont have domain and i would like to use the ip for now, is it possible to get rid of the 404 Forbidden page? and replace with my contents?
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