- Earn $25/1000 Downloads

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What other upload options are you looking to add?
We are considering adding Flash Upload in the near future and we also have a Desktop Uploader program which will be added to our site today or tomorrow.
pls discrease the filesize limit from 15MB to 5MB pls
Sorry, this is not possible.
now just i give the payout request and waiting for the payment think they will pay


my id is raghurokda32
Your payment will be issued today.
You can download files up to 200 Mb only.
Register for a free account or upgrade your account to download bigger files.


Why LIE that free users can download till 400mb ?????????????????
You can download files up to 200 Mb only.
Register for a free account or upgrade your account to download bigger files.


Why LIE that free users can download till 400mb ?????????????????

If you don't understand the differences between maximum file downloads and file sizes don't post irrelevant things. We didn't lie with anything.

Maximum file downloads are set to 400 for unregistered users and 600 for registered, which is more than enough anyway.
The maximum download file size for unregistered users is set to 200 MB and 500 for registered users. Hope I made myself clear.

If you have a question in the future, please ask us first instead of posting here.
We're talking about maximum file size for free user and you're talking about the number of downloads !!!!
also you answer some members and ignore the rest .
I will return to this topic after a month from now to see if your xfilehostx still exists .
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