Get your own image host for free and start making money! (OFFICIAL)

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Guys don't waste you time on this. they are not approved you, I am tried several time. but all the fuss. better to find other server.

As you may see couple of previous posts, We're only approving established members, not newest members as you are from the provided screens.

Also NextLevel, please do not provide false accusations by saying that you're tried several times. We have received only two email conversations, but you were answered to last one with providing screenshots with barely 200 views a day.
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Read this thread:

before creating thread, I send you email ,but you don't reply me properly that time,
now, you tell me about approvement. wtf?
ok, I know you don't approved newest member, but I am not newest member, I contact you before when you create first thread but I am not posted like "mailed to you", "check your email" etc at wj.

whatever lowest traffic, you should try to use? so you can edited you thread we approved only huge traffic otherwise not approved new customer.

I don't like your hidden affiliated?
Dont' distract any user and continue to mail you.
I think stay out of this thread....
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NextLevel, let's do elaboration of your conversation with me:

March 1st - Your first email & my answer to you same day, newer got concrete question or any reponse on that e-mail.
April 6th - Your second e-mail, my standard email (send required proof) and here's what you're sending me:

Today - You've got "refused" response

So if we're looking huge amount of traffic, than those screenshots prove that you're established member? With barely 500 views a month? You're really pathetic trying to be "smart".
If you're really smart, than you will realize that we're not looking established members on this forum, but established members in image hosting/adult uploading business.

Next time when you try to show your "brain", go ahead and read everything from the first sentence, than correct them or try to make them "liars". There are plenty of people coming from wJunction and got approved, making more money than any image hosting provider can give them, but doesn't matter, you're just not for this business.

Stay away from this thread unless you try to prove that I'm wrong.


Rock|the|world, please let us review your application and we will response within 24 hours.

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