Filestrum is having difficulties and not recommended

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All Paypal payments made up to date.

Note to PAYZA users, payza declined the card validation because the name didnt match (Card used initals and surname). Ridiculously really as alot of cards only display your first initial. Anyway I have resubmitted using the small deposit. Payza quote 2-3 days to receive the small deposit. Again if anyone wishes to switch to paypal in the mean time to get paid earlier they can.

Hello, i have a rapidleech hosted in Czech Republic, in all the other hosts , the remote upload speed is veeeeeeeeery fast, but here, it's "Upload speed: 168 KB/Sec"

Can u fix that? And also, can i have a premium account? My username is: gonlomas.

Congratz for your page, it's very good!

Regards from Argentina.
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