A very innovative system but 10c per GB is too expensive for downloaders, they can download as premium users from other hosters at 1/10th that price or even less.
IMO 2c per GB shared 50/50% with the uploader might be a competitive price.
However very interesting for people who want sell valuable and unique contents.
Thanks for the cudos!
Yes our model is not designed to suit copyright infringment behavior. It is certainly geared towards people looking to sell their own digital products and content.
That being said, I really do not think 10c per GB is a lot.
If you imagine 30GB /month, you are talking about $3.00! I believe the normal cost of a file host subscription is around US$60 /year, which would mean the downloader would need to download over 600GB in order for their pricing to actually be cheaper. Not to mention, such subscriptions are a commitment to the service, which may be undesirable.
Further more, at $0.02 per GB, shared 50:50 with the content provider, this means there is a less than $0.01 revenue (5% CarrotPay fee) per GB of bandwidth. This pricing is a losing model as the bandwidth alone would cost more than that, ley alone the upkeep.
Actually, for low volume, high value content, our pricing is actually too cheap and we will probably implement a fee of 1% of the value of the transaction OR our standard $0.10/GB fee, whichever is higher.
So in this case, if a 10MB file is uploaded with a price of $100, the uploader would still recieve $99, and our fee would be $1.00, instead of $0.01.