FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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@ Valentino: First of all, what you're not doing is not allowed.

Secondly, we will not release any information about this person involved to you. See Privacy Policy.

Thirdly, we do not delete accounts...Accounts have not been deleted, ever. They get disabled and that's the "end".

Fourthly, we do pay and we are still paying.

@ salebre: 2011 will be file manager upgrade :) We won't release the new file manager until next week (2011)

@ superboy0905: Right now? It should work as I can see people remote uploading.
Download count on file manager seems like it's a day off.
Statistics still seems to be counting correctly though.

@FSUser, my Dec 27th bonus has been applied already.
@ Valentino: First of all, what you're not doing is not allowed.

Secondly, we will not release any information about this person involved to you. See Privacy Policy.

Thirdly, we do not delete accounts...Accounts have not been deleted, ever. They get disabled and that's the "end".

Fourthly, we do pay and we are still paying.

@ salebre: 2011 will be file manager upgrade :) We won't release the new file manager until next week (2011)

@ superboy0905: Right now? It should work as I can see people remote uploading.

I fully understand not to reveal personal data, but what I meant is that I'm going to give you the data from this person and you tell me if you still using your account and if you have taken time and been doing, (as this person says that for months does not pay for a problem with your referrals, that is us and who have deleted your account), I have proof of the forum in which I participate that everything I say (the scam to many users and others) is true Be grateful we communicate privately to discuss it and pass the thread of the forum and the user who we are cheating. I will also remember that I have recommended this forum to come and make my claim and ask for help here, because I have good references about you and your team

original text:
entiendo perfectamente que no revelen datos personales, pero lo que quise decir es que yo le voy a dar a usted los datos de esta persona y usted me dice si sigue usando su cuenta y si ha cobrado puntualmente como venía haciendo, (ya que esta persona afirma que hace meses que no le paga por un problema con sus referidos, o sea nosotros y que le han borrado su cuenta), tengo pruebas del foro en donde participo que todo lo que digo (la estafa a muchos usuarios y demás) es cierta, agradecería nos comuniquemos de forma privada para hablar de ello y pasarle el hilo del foro y el usuario de quien nos está estafando. le hago recordar tambien que me han recomendado este foro para que venga y haga mi reclamo y pida ayuda aquí, ya que me han dado buenas referencias sobre usted y su equipo.
not to meddle in, but, Ricky already said FS always pay and never deleted any account, so just quote his reply and put it in your forum as proof that your referrer is scaming all of you and your community.

Happy, happy new years, everyone!!!!
not to meddle in, but, Ricky already said FS always pay and never deleted any account, so just quote his reply and put it in your forum as proof that your referrer is scaming all of you and your community.

Happy, happy new years, everyone!!!!
I know they always pay, I also I have always referred to and I get paid on time, so I've spent these data and other tests to confirm that the user definitely ripped me off for me and many other users and has made a lot of money at our expense ... I come here to speak for many people strongly want to know the truth of all this, and so act properly, (smear on all forums where you are and also ban them from the forum). will understand our situation. Happy New Year to all!

original text:
ya se que siempre pagan, yo tambien tengo referidos y siempre recibo mi pago puntual, por eso le he pasado esos datos y otras pruebas mas para definitivamente confirmar que este usuario me ha estafado a mi y a muchos otros users y se ha hecho de mucho dinero a costas nuestras... yo vengo aqui a hablar en nombre de muchos usuarios y quieren saber con firmeza la verdad de todo esto, y asi actuar debidamente, (difamarlo por todos los foros donde se encuentre y ademas banearlo del foro). sabrán comprenden nuestra siuación. Feliz año para todos!!
How fast are you guys able to upload to FTP? My bandwidth allows me to upload at ~4MB/s but I am only able to upload to Fileserve FTP at about 600-700KB/s. I was seeing screenshots of other people getting way higher speeds and I'm just wondering if there are multiple servers to choose from or if there is anyway to speed this up. Download is always great but uploads have been this speed since I got with Fileserve months ago.

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