FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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Hey guys,

I'm not fired. I'm just on "leave" now, taking my holiday. Didn't get a chance to tell you guys up until now.

I will be back in action on the 18th of July again.

Thanks very much.
There are many other hosts. If fileserve doesn't like it, means they will do the same and piss you off again again... Rather doing same thing, try using your uploads in elsewhere, you will be better off :). Just only use your premium for leeching fileserve links not for $$$. Because they will not pay you if busted in the past....
Just my opinion..

Lets wait for the weekend. It should be normal stats! like before since they been cutting the stats last week.
Playing games with us lol...
Hey guys

I transferred $20 on 2011-07-06 and it's still showing as pending, today is tuesday and it's 6:13am in New York so shouldn't it allow me to payout now?
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