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Active Member
I am currently having problems accessing my external hard disk.

When I look at the disk drives it isn't there, but when I go through the control panel ie device manager and devices and printers it is there.

Is there any way that I can get it to work properly again or would a new caddie do the job, something I wouldn't have thought wold work as the pc is picking up the drive to a certain degree.

I am using windows 7 with 2 gig memory.
Have you tested the drive by removing it from the case and trying as an internal drive.

That will confirm whether it is good or bad or just need to be formatted.
dont remove it remove it from the case. do that LAST. voids warranty.

ive had this problems sometimes. try plugging it into a different computer and see if it works there. this sometimes fixes the problem too.
Have you tested the drive by removing it from the case and trying as an internal drive.

That will confirm whether it is good or bad or just need to be formatted.

This is something that I will have a look at.

dont remove it remove it from the case. do that LAST. voids warranty.

ive had this problems sometimes. try plugging it into a different computer and see if it works there. this sometimes fixes the problem too.

Unfortunately I have tried this with my laptop as well as my desktop and am getting the same fault. AS I have had the drive for a few years the warranty is well gone, so I will give it a try.
It only voids the warranty if you tell them or they have a warranty strip on the case.
Otherwise it can't be detected as it does no harm to drive or case.
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