Exclamation Beta Testers - New file host up to $1450 per 1000 Downloads

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God!!!! so many testers....and still counting...and you guys really expect that he will invite u all for testing...Beta testing doesnt take place like that
Judging from the replies here, so many people jump to conclusions in an instant while having no idea how the system works and what different terms such as PPI mean.

Although, I'm against you're business type, good luck with it.

Just keep in mind, although your system is similar to CNET's download.com and their download manager, they were forced to abandon that model almost instantaneously after they implemented after users expressed their disgust with the new system. People don't like the idea of having to download an extra piece of software filled with advertisements just to get the file they want.

And to all the uploaders here, you guys are so focused on making money with your copyrighted files, that you fail to realize what repercussions will ensue when you start using a host such as this one. It's technically the same as sharecash, but instead the ads are now on the user's PC. I know for a fact that many of you will lose favour with your userbase if you start promoting this.

...my 2cents.
would like to try
if the prices are real then would upload too

Among this 74 reply did he reply to any one?
did any one got in to his site and signed up?
Very disapoitment to see how many people hawe low IQ on webmaster forum...
And i want to pay to see what will you upload guys :D you only now about warez and porn!Ha ha ha you dont now how to find free stuff this is against your nature bcz you get turn on when you see DMCA complaint in mail :)

Anyway good luck to this money making system at least someone will profit from this,
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I understand that and when our new downloader is uploaded you are free to do so, before you promote anything. We promote the likes of bingtool bar, Real Player, Browser Shopping, PC Mechanic, babylon ect + more depending on the geo locations all are main brands.
another pay for install. Ask yourself, do you want all the crap from a "silent' install that will force you to a format of your hard drive?

How can people be so foolish and just give unknown people access to your system. I know why? It is called "YOU GOT HACKED"!!

Hope its not a scam.I wanna try as a beta tester. PM me the details.


So if it is a scam, you dont care anyways. "YOU GOT HACKED"!!

Guys dont forget to give them your Pay Pal account, they will put it to good use!
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