DOPESHARE - Get 100% from premium sales and put your ad code on the download page!

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do you have Rapidleech upload plugin ?

I can't upload to dopeshare, pls fix it...

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waiting for payout , lets see what happens

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We are paying, but we got our paypal account limited. We completed the steps required by paypal in order to remove the limitations, so it's only matter of days.

Thanks for understanding.

Kind regards
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Mister Dopeshare,

You spend 20 days to 12 days after last download for registered users, why change? :'(

On the page make money, you say $ 10 minimum payout and our member area, it is written: Minimal payout is $ 20. ;)
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We are paying, but we got our paypal account limited. We completed the steps required by paypal in order to remove the limitations, so it's only matter of days.

Thanks for understanding.

Kind regards

Looking at what you and other hosts are doing, the chances of Paypal remove your account's limit in the next few days is very, very slim...
it's been several days since I can not access certain files. I have this message: This server is in maintenance mode. Refresh this page In Some minutes.
How long is the maintenance?
Thank you for your response.
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