Can I consider uploading as my primary job?

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why would even think about making uploading a job lol thats the most stupidest thing I ever heard 360 a month cant pay the bills this is a fail thread
Yes you can! You can consider anything you want as your primary job - but you need to put effort like you would put it for some "real job".

You can see peoples earning much with some nice college finished, but you can see some of them also dying poor and ugly. You can see a thief in your neighbourhoud with a 500.000euros house, and money to own almost everything you ever dreamed about, but he has some poor education.

Just take a look at IT industry- how much biggest IT minds of this century failed on college, but their ideas brought them millions/billions ? Alot!

But, there is a big difference between stopping with college to raise your idea and learn hard only what you want(you stop your education on college, so you can have more time for learning programming instead of waisting your time for learning managament and shits you can meet on almost every college) and stopping college to have more time for drinks and weed.

My point is - do whatever you want, but do it right, with faith and alot of work. You can count even uploading in that - work hard(8-10hrs a day) and work smart - invest to earn more, learn and upgrade your methods all the time. I know 2 guys who earn 10-12k $ per month. Both of them are ~20yrs old, they have no wife, no kids, no bills to pay every month, and they live with their parents. Simple mathematic - they need to work 1.5 year and earn $180k! Lets say they will spend $40k for that 1.5 year on vaccation, bills for high speed internet, tools and investements for their work, and simple needs that every kid have. After 1.5years, they can leave uploading with $140k each, and I can surely say that is enough money for smart investement in some "real life project".

But they doesn't have time to ask stupid questions @forums, and they doesn't think that working 8-10hrs per day is alot, and they know what means dedication to any job, and they know how that dedication can bring you alot of money.

+1 to this guy.

You dont have to ask random people for such question.I see people here who can easily have dinner with Obama.I see people here who believe the life is education,job,die.I see people here that live in wealthy countries.I see people here judge like they are your father.You know what?

I earn around 2k month through uploading,i bought my licence,car,motorcycle with that money.With my motorcycle i found a job.With my car i go vacation with my friends and girl.Oh and smth last.I was home earning money when others were dancing in the rain.Now i do both.

Good words Cojba.Most of you do not know how to grab opportunities.;)
wow i really feel bad for the future with all the retards thinking that uploading illegal files is going to last forever as a means of income, when you grow up and move out of your mommys house then come back and talk about how this is the kind of thing you are going to do to support yourself when you have to start paying your own rent, food, bills etc... jesus christ what is wrong with the kids today? .. all i can say is try it and see where it takes you, you will either end up in jail, or collecting foodstamps panhandling on the streets for a slice of bread when you are 50.. good luck with life lol
It's a hobby, uploading never can and never will be job. You are ripping other people off in other to make money, how the hell can that be a job?!

Best option would be to get actual job and upload when you have free time.
Iit is impossible for you to think uploading is a primary job, if you are living in US. you guy try to find a good job. never do stupid think to waste your life, you have one life and should live worthy as you have.
You could but after you finish your studies so, if uploading dies you got an back up.
There are a lot of people who uploads for living.
If you only want to upload you could upload and be a webmaster.
By webmaster i main legit forum/blog anything running adsence . write ebooks sell those.
get ebay , amazon to help you. Make your own site. You can do so much stuff.
do work for people (ex- building site, coding etc)
just uploading would be hard

Good Luck
Yes you can! You can consider anything you want as your primary job - but you need to put effort like you would put it for some "real job".

You can see peoples earning much with some nice college finished, but you can see some of them also dying poor and ugly. You can see a thief in your neighbourhoud with a 500.000euros house, and money to own almost everything you ever dreamed about, but he has some poor education.

Just take a look at IT industry- how much biggest IT minds of this century failed on college, but their ideas brought them millions/billions ? Alot!

But, there is a big difference between stopping with college to raise your idea and learn hard only what you want(you stop your education on college, so you can have more time for learning programming instead of waisting your time for learning managament and shits you can meet on almost every college) and stopping college to have more time for drinks and weed.

My point is - do whatever you want, but do it right, with faith and alot of work. You can count even uploading in that - work hard(8-10hrs a day) and work smart - invest to earn more, learn and upgrade your methods all the time. I know 2 guys who earn 10-12k $ per month. Both of them are ~20yrs old, they have no wife, no kids, no bills to pay every month, and they live with their parents. Simple mathematic - they need to work 1.5 year and earn $180k! Lets say they will spend $40k for that 1.5 year on vaccation, bills for high speed internet, tools and investements for their work, and simple needs that every kid have. After 1.5years, they can leave uploading with $140k each, and I can surely say that is enough money for smart investement in some "real life project".

But they doesn't have time to ask stupid questions @forums, and they doesn't think that working 8-10hrs per day is alot, and they know what means dedication to any job, and they know how that dedication can bring you alot of money.

I really Liked your comment !! :D
Work is work, If you work hard and smart in any field you can get success. You are right, I should rather do work instead of making this pointless thread :facepalm:
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