VPS BuzzHost.net - VPS, 25GB Space, 150 BW, 512MB RAM, No Dmca from $15/m (Lithuania)

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Then you need to start getting into the habit of taking backups everyday.

EDIT: If you cba, and have a VPS; get in touch with me, I've coded a script to automate backups twice everyday.
I had a backup server where all vps backups were kept. All backups are okay except for the 5 that krun!x stated.

Yes, and those 5 will be credited with a free month of VPS service at our cost.

Once again, please read your email and proceed how we stated there. If you didn't get / read email from any reason, please send me a PM.

Kind Regards


Please Note : We don't encourage you to post lawful content , its best to remove DMCA'ed content when the email is issued.

I am in your customer centre submitted a ticket but you didn't respond.
Kruno, is it only you that is offering support for buzzhost now? Tickets seem to take a while to get answered, and even then, you didnt even answer my questions that I asked, you said it was explained in a mass email, when nothing was explained in either of the mass emails except that you bought buzzhost. You didnt say anything about my vps, where the vps panel went, or anything of the sort.

I paid for another month, but for a few days now still cannot access my site, I really hope you have more than just yourself for support...
typical wjunction host providers, they are all good for the first few months, 2 months is the longest i experienced so far, after that they just fcked up... i learned my lesson the hard way and this is why i never deal with host provider here in Wjunction :)
Site is not working. What the hell ?

All servers are up and running. Please send a support ticket with traceroute if you can't access your site.

Kruno, is it only you that is offering support for buzzhost now? Tickets seem to take a while to get answered, and even then, you didnt even answer my questions that I asked, you said it was explained in a mass email, when nothing was explained in either of the mass emails except that you bought buzzhost. You didnt say anything about my vps, where the vps panel went, or anything of the sort.

I paid for another month, but for a few days now still cannot access my site, I really hope you have more than just yourself for support...

There is another tech allocated to BuzzHost. He handles support in most cases. Everything was explained in mass email. All VPS customers were contacted twice(mass email to billing emails and mass email to SolusVM emails) to get in touch with us. Your VPS also expired on 14/05/2011.

Please re-read the mass email we sent.
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