Recent content by ghost_access

  1. G

    Splitting files gives more sales or not?

    i don't like split files, whenever i see one.. i run like "anirnya".. lol love single link download, way to download for lazy people like me ;) but for slow internet speed users, we ought to think aside
  2. G

    Do you believe in aliens?

    We're also Aliens, for someone's eyes.. don't forget that buddies ;)
  3. G

    Pepsi or Coke

    Both'd be cool <3
  4. G

    Eminem Vs. LiL Wayne

    for their music, i love them both =)
  5. G

    Do you believe in ghosts?

    IMPO i don't believe in ghosts, or either the gods.. But i believe in love and music P.S i never seen any of those thing(s) before, im a ghost too that's one another story :)) See you in hell, if there's one ;)
  6. G

    What do you think Youtube new look?

    Youtube's new look: i love every bit of it, =) EXCEPT :facepalm: the design for CHANNELS.. it suck greatly X-(
  7. G

    Android, iPhone or Blackberry

    IPhone is B-)
  8. G

    If your girlfriend cheats on you, what do you do?

    lol My answer is: depends on the reason B-)
  9. G

    The Rock vs. John Cena

    am a fan of cena, but i love rock and ya his fan too.. don't know what to do :)) X-(
  10. G

    Do You Upload For Money?

    im a downloader, MOST of the times 8-)