- PPD (up to 40 EUR) & PPS (75% Initial sale / 65% rebill)

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Let's hope it's not a belated April Fool's joke from CloudZer changing your status to paid, then! :hrhr:

Same here, status paid :)

Today i got money, thanks Cloudzer!

Added after 2 minutes:

I think they are liars. Perhaps they paid a few people from this forum for publicity, but all other people not will get money.

Nope it take long time to by paid, but they will pay you , trust me. I got my last payout after 53 working days - its about 72 days....... Just hope for faster payout.
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@ steph i ask this now the 3rd time here

Could you check your Advertising Tools like the Popup Tool here

Ii try to use the Popup script but it iosnt working for any reason is there a Problem with it at the moment?!

Best Greetz

i forwarded it to our development to get an response by them.

I have received a one-time payout with my bank account. Why this time my payout declined?


pm me your account id i'll take a look into this.

Got paid yesterday.
I was suspiciuos about.. i thought you will run as others did.
I hope next payment won't be delayed.
Thank you Steph for keeping your word !! :D


I think they are liars. Perhaps they paid a few people from this forum for publicity, but all other people not will get money.

or maybe you just read the posts, we paid an bank-bulk, since it was an BANK - BULK you didn't get your amazon vouchers yet, which will be probably done with the next AMAZON - BULK. I'll open an request at our billing team to get any information about the next amazon-bulk.

I have a little problem with the payment

I made a cashout request to the bank account of sixty euro
I do not see this request in the tab Payout Logbook
I wrote to support .and I got answer that need to wait
I earned the next sixty euros. and now I can not make the payment

anyone had similarly?

can anyone me help with this problem





sorry for my english I wrote by translator :)
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