Zimg.Info - Earn up to 3$/1000 Image Views

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Now its working fine, but there is one more problem.
the uploaded pic is showed at the bottom of site, and we can only see it by scrolling down side.
for example i have uploaded this: http://zimg.info//download.php?id=50353B851
but its not showing correctly, did u understand what i mean?

Not realy I didn't understand what u mean exactly
please more info

wellcome new aff, i will try it

You are verry welcome ;)

When updating the downloads?
You can have multiple payment orders?

The Downloads are on real time - Points take up to 3h to be updated

So, where only allowed to upload 5 images at a time?

Sorry my mistake
it's 20 :)

Can not be worse
Sorry for the mistake

Fixed now please try again

---------- Post added at 11:44 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:28 AM ----------


Hey Guys

Unfortunately we got bad news today

It since to be that our "Adult Adverseting" Partners didn't want to work with us any more .
as we got a new partner for No-Adult content we have to Disallow Adult Stuff from our Service

Please note that you can earn with us by another way

-Uploading No-Adult Images & Sharing it in Facebook , Twitter etc ( our Website is now clean from any Adult Ads )
-Uploading Videos/Clips ( we will set the max Upload Filesize to 1GB in the next days)
Extentions : Avi,Divx,MP4,MP3,FLV,MOV
-Uploading MP3 Files
-Uploading & Sharing Files up to 700MB
-Uploading Doc,Docx,Xls,Pdf Files with our Online Document Viewer you can see thos Files directly!

Users can get up to 2.000KB/s Download Speed so more Revenue for you guys ;)

Important Note : all users who have Earned Money by Uploading Adult stuff befor well get PAID don't worry ;)

But Please no more Adult Stuff!

Thanks to every one

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I think I know who the problem exactly is

please check the points later they are updated every 3 hours

+ send me ur username per PN to check if we have a problem in your account

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Hey ,

Yes we will allow Adult Contents in the next Days - 3 - 7 Days
also We still looking for a Adult Advertesing partner when we find a good one we will allow Adult Material ( +adding a new feature that allow you to choose between ( Adult & Family Safe Contents )


Answered by PM


-All Moneybookers,Payza,WebMoney Payments Requests has been Paid today ! Paypal will fellow in the next 2 - 3 Days until we have resolved some troubles with our PayPal account ( but don't worry we will still pay you using Paypal ! )

-After a Verry long Disscutions with our Partners we have decided to allow Adult Material so more money for you guys ;)

-Our Website will be free from any Adult Ads for the ones who upload Applications/Safe Images/Safe clips etc ...

Remember that you can make more money by Uploading everything Apps/Images/Docs/txt Files/ & Clips
we pay for every file in our Server no matter witch filesize 1KB or 1GB we pay the same rates for everything ! ;)

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Hey guys sorry for the Delay

All Pending Payout has been Completed Now Have Fun ;)

- We have added now Payoneer as Payout Methode

PayPal Payouts will be paid soon until we resolve some problems if you want to get paid via other Payment methode please contact us .


Well normaly it has to be 3 - 4 days but now I can't do nothing about that how we can send money via Paypal if Paypal already has limited our account ? so we can't Receive or send founds .

we need some time to fix this issue how much exactly I don't know
they are a lot of alternative to receive money from us on time ex. Payoneer,Payza,Moneybookers,Webmoney

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