Zenload.com - Free Filehosting - PPD Upto 15$ per 1000 downloads!

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move Egypt to Group B
reply plz

Done :)

sorry NO user who only wanna download for free get his register
in 5 sec hi find a other link to download whiteout need to register

If you wanna grow and be user friendly allow 500mb for free user to download

so sorry not a host for me to use.....

You can download as a free user too.
Would you say people buy Premium Accounts, but cannot register for free for unlimited download?

EDIT: Free users can download 500 MB now
Originally Posted by agwa 					[URL="http://www.wjunction.com/95-file-hosts-official-support/158081-zenload-com-free-filehosting-ppd-upto-15%24-per-1000-downloads-post1692183.html#post1692183"][IMG]http://www.wjunction.com/images/wjunction/buttons/viewpost.gif[/IMG][/URL] 				
 				[I]move Egypt to Group  B 
reply plz[/I]
 			 		 	 	 Done :)

no change in the earning table
why do u tell that:O
so fishy about this site...no premium purchase option, how you gonna generate cash? by traffic only?
free user just need to register then they will have premium access...hmmm:|

my advice to whoever wanna give a try, DON'T ever use the same username+password where you used with other filehosts/email/paypal/etc.
Yes we generate cash with the traffic. At other Filehosters you must registered too before you can purchase a premium account
Because rapidgator cheat at the downloads :p

but rapidgator is the only who never scam and pay everyone since 10 months or more , Im still working with

him with closed eyes , even for free , that what i call trust file host, I love you rapidgator <3<3<3 ,

"lawina" damn I hate you so much :)):O
Last edited:
To remain on WJunction, we decided to activate premium. Here is an overview of the features:


We are still free user friendly and pay our Affiliates always on time!
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