- Review needed

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Favicon - You don't seem to have a favicon, i'd suggest you get one as soon as possible

Site Functionality/Speed
- In overall look, it's good, but site speed was kinda slow for me, as i browsed through sections, it just kept loading

Index/Overall - It's looking good, except there are a few uneeded things, like the ChatBox, which will only slow down your site and will be full of useless Shouts
Another not needed thing is the Archives, we don't need Archive for a brand new sites

Graphics - The Logo sucks, hire someone to do a logo for you or just ask someone for free, there are some guys here that are willing to help you.
With a domain like that I'd rather start some legal site where you recommend latest trends (electronics etc.) with amazon links or stuff
agreed Coon. I was just gonna ask, What up with the domain name? Spend more time thinking of a great domain name before u even buy it.
Thanks everyone for the review.

With a domain like that I'd rather start some legal site where you recommend latest trends (electronics etc.) with amazon links or stuff

is there a script for this kind of site? :)

Index/Overall - It's looking good, except there are a few uneeded things, like the ChatBox, which will only slow down your site and will be full of useless Shouts
Another not needed thing is the Archives, we don't need Archive for a brand new sites

thanks bro. i'll be removing those uneeded stuffs.

Favicon - You don't seem to have a favicon, i'd suggest you get one as soon as possible

- Get a better favicon

i also think the favicon sucks. just don't know where to get a better one.

I was just gonna ask, What up with the domain name? Spend more time thinking of a great domain name before u even buy it.

does my domain name really suck?
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