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I do not understand what a mobile app means, I too would like wj to have a mobile app but I fail to understand what extra features will it have on it, I think a responsive design will be enough and will make the site work great on a mobile phone.

if anyone knows a forum type of site that has an app for an example I'd love to see it.
There's a tapatalk version customized for forums, costs a thousand bucks i guess.
(Used by XDA Forums)

If you guys feel like :pirate: , then i think there are many android devs here who could customize the app free of charge too
Changes are being made on the current skin, we are not introducing a new one.

The old one was made redundant when we upgraded.
I don't have much knowledge about ezinearticles but in our CMS can we enable a small feature for users to see a textbox asking for their site url or something which would be posted below the actual article like

Article bla bla
Author - Url

It would be an addition for authors to feel that they are getting something back for the articles they are posting here and or we could introduce a forum points system for that specific module or the whole forum where the users would be rewarded points in exchange for context which then they can use for account upgrades like name change / sig privilages / and any other thing we can think of ?
That's the plan - link backs to user sites will be allowed. As for point based system, maybe after a few weeks after articles have been introduced.
I think that should come back to have the button "Sign Out" to logout.
I know that it's just to point the mouse arrow over "Settings" link. It works fine for who is on a desktop or notebook.
But for who uses Tablet (without mouse), it does not work.
It's needed rolldown the page to logout.
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