X4B.ORG - Reverse Proxy Hosting - Hide your Server IP (Russia, Sweden, USA, Romania)

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Yes using it on a shared host is fine as long as the shared host doesnt block up explicitly or in any automated software.

Alertpay will be implemented in the near future.
To all those who ask if I can do XXX on ZZZ node, If it is legal in that country then the answer is yes. If you receive a large number of abuse complaints for it though I may ask you to move to another node that has better abuse handling.
something is wrong with russian nodes.
my site goes very very slow 3 hours ago. when i move it to romania it works great but when i try russia again after 2 hours it is loaded till now.
Please update me about russian nodes.
thank you
Which node? Russian nodes have a higher ping to servers in most countries but that is usually only a 2-20ms difference in page loads.

I would recomend you try russian node 2 as its the least loaded currently.
Not down, our web interface just froze up for some reason. Im looking into it.

I beleive its related to the config re-builder so ive made it run every 6-minutes rather than 3 hopefully that will prevent the deadlock. Ill be updating the script that powers these nodes this week so Ill resolve this then. In the mean time there will be a 6-minute delay for IP activation and changes.
hi there ,

I 'm using a MySQL database on my server ,
is it possible to access it via your server.

Client Web Acess - yourServer - MyServer
Client database - your server - myServer

example :
Web access via Port 80
MySql via Port 3306

using 2 different IP on the same server.

thank you in advance

The mysql server is irrelevant to this server the setup would be

Our Server -> Your Server
and when connecting to mysql
Your Server -> MySQL

"Client database - your server - myServer" ? Why would your clients be connecting directly to your database server this is very insecure and generally a bad practice. Its also something that is not run via HTTP or HTTPs so not something we support.

I have recently sign up and I get 502 Bad Gateway. I setup everything via DynDNS.

UPDATE! Csf and lfd were blocking the IP. Fix was too update csf.allow with the ip ranges. And very nice system ;).

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Can you post a list of ip ranges that we need to whitelist if we use your service.

Because when enabling CSF, it locks me out.
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