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We have to add your button to submit downloads to you? Tbh your not going to get far with that. You should make it so we don't have to put any linkback on our site then when you grow make us add a linkback then when you get really big make us do the button :).

You've also spelt games wrong -
I agree with CammyD.
There are much better DDL sites out there, where a text link, or button of some sort is of much more importance to us (submitters) from their site, instead of yours.

The site is new, which means it isn't too well known yet.

Maybe if we didn't need a linkback, you will get much more sites too submit links.
okay, cammy,proxace and all, now u can submit your downloads without any linkback coz of new site na no problme
now start

i will try my best in DDL site world
oh no no no. That orange is bad. The "Forum" link color is a bad choice to go with the orange as well. I had to highlight it to even see what it said.
No favicon?? Updated it asap!! Get an awesome logo... then orange kills the eyes... Otherwise it is gud man! Well done!
yep buddy you really need to change the logo :)

other wise its an kick ass ddl best of luck for the future and if you want any help than m always here for you :p
Good Luck buddy, you still need a better logo.....
Need to Check: Broken links in footer & wonder there is no submit page link :P

Work hard buddy :)
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