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WD said he was looking into running/hosting it for me as I got bored of it. If he's not interested I'll give it to another friend/respected person to run.
WD said he was looking into running/hosting it for me as I got bored of it. If he's not interested I'll give it to another friend/respected person to run.

I can give free hosting for such a nice site :) PM me if interested . Just keep it stable , so that it can keep running for years ;)

Added after 14 Hours 49 minutes:


Added after 16 Hours 55 minutes:

up ..

Added after 8 Days 20 Hours:

up :facepalm
Last edited:
Well most of the times, its down...
Not exactly. It was up for about 6 months with zero downtime. I got bored of it and left it so it was down for about 7 weeks until now as Myth contacted me and has taken over running it. I'll still provide code updates where required but he'll manage day to day stuff.
Not exactly. It was up for about 6 months with zero downtime. I got bored of it and left it so it was down for about 7 weeks until now as Myth contacted me and has taken over running it. I'll still provide code updates where required but he'll manage day to day stuff.

Why don't you sell it off or give it to a developer or something.
Are you blind to were he said he gave it to "Myth", and he'll still be doing updates. Meaning further developing it himself and with the help of me managing it.
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